function AnimatedValue(object, name, value, timeout) { this.overwrite(value); this.timeout = timeout; var _this = this; Object.defineProperty(object, name, { get: function() { return _this.get(); }, set: function(x) { return _this.set(x); } }); object[name + 'handler'] = this; } AnimatedValue.prototype = { get: function() { var now =, end = this.frTime + this.timeout; if (now >= end) { return this.toVal; } else { return this.toVal - (this.toVal - this.frVal) * (end - now) / this.timeout; } }, set: function(value) { if (value != this.toVal) { this.frVal = this.get(); this.toVal = value; this.frTime =; } }, overwrite: function(value) { this.frVal = value; this.toVal = value; this.frTime = - this.timeout; // so end == now } }; function BallView(main, ball) { this.main = main; this.ball = ball; this.graphic = new PIXI.Graphics(); new AnimatedValue(this, 'x', 0, 100); new AnimatedValue(this, 'y', 0, 100); new AnimatedValue(this, 's', 0, 100); var _this = this; // console.log(, 'NEW'); this.appear(); this.ball.on('appear', function() { _this.appear(); }); this.ball.on('destroy', function() { // console.log(, 'DES'); _this.main.stage.removeChild(_this.graphic); }); this.ball.on('disappear', function() { // console.log(, 'DIS'); _this.main.stage.removeChild(_this.graphic); }); this.ball.on('move', function() { _this.x = _this.ball.x; _this.y = _this.ball.y; }); this.ball.on('resize', function() { _this.s = _this.ball.size; }); } BallView.prototype = { appear: function() { // console.log(, 'APP'); this.x = this.ball.x; this.y = this.ball.y; this.s = this.ball.size; this.shape(); this.main.stage.addChild(this.graphic); }, shape: function() { this.graphic.clear(); this.graphic.beginFill(this.ball.color.replace('#', '0x'), this.ball.virus ? 0.5 : 0.9); this.graphic.drawCircle(0, 0, 1); this.graphic.endFill(); }, render: function() { this.graphic.position.x = this.x; this.graphic.position.y = this.y; this.graphic.scale.x = this.graphic.scale.y = this.s; } }; function Viewer(client, container) { this.client = client; this.container = container; this.balls = {}; this.addRenderer(); this.addStats(); var _this = this; client.once('mapSizeLoad', function(min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y) { _this.gameWidth = max_x; _this.gameHeight = max_y; _this.initStage(); _this.addListners(); _this.addBorders(); _this.animate(); _this.emit('launched'); }); window.addEventListener('resize', function() { _this.updateSize(); }); } Viewer.prototype = { getSize: function() { this.width = window.innerWidth; this.height = window.innerHeight; }, addRenderer: function() { this.getSize(); this.renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(this.width, this.height, { antialias: true }); this.container.appendChild(this.renderer.view); }, updateSize: function() { this.getSize(); this.renderer.resize(this.width, this.height); }, initStage: function() { this.stage = new PIXI.Container(); = {}; new AnimatedValue(, 'x', this.gameWidth / 2, 100); new AnimatedValue(, 'y', this.gameHeight / 2, 100); new AnimatedValue(, 's', 0.5 / 2, 100); }, addListners: function() { var _this = this; this.client.on('ballAppear', function(id) { if (!_this.balls[id]) { _this.balls[id] = new BallView(_this, this.balls[id]); } }); this.client.on('ballDestroy', function(id) { delete this.balls[id]; }); }, addBorders: function() { this.borders = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.borders.lineStyle(5, 0xFF3300, 1); this.borders.drawRect(0, 0, this.gameWidth, this.gameHeight); this.stage.addChild(this.borders); }, addStats: function() { this.stats = new Stats(); this.stats.setMode(1); = 'absolute'; = '0px'; = '0px'; document.body.appendChild(this.stats.domElement); }, posCamera: function() { var x = y = p = 0; for (var ball_id in this.client.my_balls) { var ball = this.client.balls[this.client.my_balls[ball_id]]; if (!ball.visible) continue; x += ball.x * ball.size; y += ball.y * ball.size; p += ball.size; } if (p > 0) { // if we have visible ball(s) = x / p; = y / p; = 0.04 * this.width / p; // Scale // TODO Better scale calculation } // else: don't move the camera }, render: function() { for (var ball_id in this.client.balls) { var ball = this.balls[ball_id]; if (ball) { ball.render(); } } }, animate: function() { this.stats.begin(); this.render(); this.posCamera(); this.stage.scale.x = this.stage.scale.y =; this.stage.position.x = * this.stage.scale.x + this.width / 2; this.stage.position.y = * this.stage.scale.y + this.height / 2; this.renderer.render(this.stage); this.stats.end(); this.emit('animate'); var _this = this; requestAnimationFrame(function() { _this.animate(); }); } }; // Inherit from EventEmitter for (var key in EventEmitter.prototype) { Viewer.prototype[key] = EventEmitter.prototype[key]; } function Pointer(viewer) { this.viewer = viewer; this.client = this.viewer.client; this.dest = { // Destination, relative to camera center x: 0, y: 0 }; var _this = this; this.viewer.once('launched', function() { _this.viewer.stage.interactive = true; _this.viewer.stage.on('mousemove', function(e) { _this.pointermove(e); }); _this.viewer.stage.on('touchmove', function(e) { _this.pointermove(e); }); _this.viewer.on('animate', function(e) { _this.move(); }); }); window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 87) { _this.client.eject(); } else if (e.keyCode == 32) { _this.client.split(); } }); } Pointer.prototype = { move: function() { this.client.moveTo( + this.dest.x, + this.dest.y); }, pointermove: function(e) { var gamePos =; this.dest = { // TODO deadzone x: gamePos.x -, y: gamePos.y - }; this.move(); } }; function Controller(client) { this.client = client; this.server = { region: 'EU-London', ip: '', port: 9158 } this.nick = 'agario-client'; this.autoRespawn = false; this.gui = new dat.GUI(); this.servgui = this.gui.addFolder('Server'); this.servgui.add(this.server, 'region', ['US-Fremont', 'US-Atlanta', 'BR-Brazil', 'EU-London', 'RU-Russia', 'JP-Tokyo', 'CN-China', 'SG-Singapore', 'TK-Turkey']); this.servgui.add(this, 'findServer'); this.servgui.add(this.server, 'ip'); this.servgui.add(this.server, 'port'); this.servgui.add(this, 'connect'); this.servgui.add(this, 'disconnect');; this.cellgui = this.gui.addFolder('Cell'); this.cellgui.add(this, 'nick'); this.cellgui.add(this, 'spawn'); this.cellgui.add(this, 'autoRespawn'); this.leadergui = this.gui.addFolder('Leaderboard'); this.leaders = {}; this.resetLeader(); for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { this.leadergui.add(this.leaders, i); } var _this = this; client.on('connected', function() { _this.servgui.close();;; if (_this.autoRespawn) { _this.spawn(); } }); client.on('reset', function() {; _this.cellgui.close(); _this.leadergui.close(); _this.resetLeader(); }); client.on('lostMyBalls', function() { if (_this.autoRespawn) { _this.spawn(); } }); client.on('leaderBoardUpdate', function(old, leaders) { for (var i in leaders) { var rank = parseInt(i) + 1; _this.leaders[rank] = this.balls[leaders[i]].name || 'An unnamed cell'; for (var j in _this.leadergui.__controllers) { _this.leadergui.__controllers[j].updateDisplay(); } } }); } Controller.prototype = { findServer: function() { // Because of SOP, this will never work x = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '', false); x.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); x.setRequestHeader('Content-Length', this.server.region.length); // x.setRequestHeader('Origin', ''); // x.setRequestHeader('Referer', ''); x.send(this.server.region); s = x.responseText.split(':'); this.server.ip = s[0]; this.server.port = s[1]; for (var i in this.servgui.__controllers) { this.servgui.__controllers[i].updateDisplay(); } }, connect: function() { this.client.connect('ws://' + this.server.ip + ':' + this.server.port); }, disconnect: function() { this.client.disconnect(); }, spawn: function() { this.client.spawn(this.nick); }, resetLeader: function() { for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { this.leaders[i] = '---'; } } }; function IA(client) { this.client = client; this.begin(); } IA.prototype = { begin: function() { var _this = this; this.interval = setInterval(function() {; // _this.decide(); }, 100); }, end: function() { clearInterval(this.interval_id); }, getDistanceBetweenBalls: function(ball_1, ball_2) { //this calculates distance between 2 balls return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ball_1.x - ball_2.x, 2) + Math.pow(ball_2.y - ball_1.y, 2)); }, getAngleBetweenBalls: function(b1, b2) { // output in rad dX = b2.x - b1.x; dY = b2.y - b1.y; return Math.tan(dY / dX); }, food: function() { var candidate_ball = null; //first we don't have candidate to eat var candidate_distance = 0; var my_ball = this.client.balls[this.client.my_balls[0]]; //we get our first ball. We don't care if there more then one, its just example. if (!my_ball) return; //if our ball not spawned yet then we abort. We will come back here in 100ms later for (var ball_id in this.client.balls) { //we go true all balls we know about var ball = this.client.balls[ball_id]; if (ball.virus) continue; //if ball is a virus (green non edible thing) then we skip it if (!ball.visible) continue; //if ball is not on our screen (field of view) then we skip it if (ball.mine) continue; //if ball is our ball - then we skip it if (ball.size / my_ball.size > 0.5) continue; //if ball is bigger than 50% of our size - then we skip it var distance = this.getDistanceBetweenBalls(ball, my_ball); //we calculate distances between our ball and candidate if (candidate_ball && distance > candidate_distance) continue; //if we do have some candidate and distance to it smaller, than distance to this ball, we skip it candidate_ball = ball; //we found new candidate and we record him candidate_distance = this.getDistanceBetweenBalls(ball, my_ball); //we record distance to him to compare it with other balls } if (!candidate_ball) return; //if we didn't find any candidate, we abort. We will come back here in 100ms later this.client.log('closest ' + candidate_ball + ', distance ' + candidate_distance); this.client.moveTo(candidate_ball.x, candidate_ball.y); //we send move command to move to food's coordinates }, decide: function() { var my_ball = this.client.balls[this.client.my_balls[0]]; // TODO Handle more balls if (!my_ball) return; var candidates = []; for (var ball_id in this.client.balls) { var ball = this.client.balls[ball_id]; if (!ball.visible) continue; var score = 0; if (ball.mine) { score = 1; } else { if (ball.virus) { if (ball.size > my_ball.size) { score = -5; } else { score = 5; } } else { score = Math.max(1000 - this.getDistanceBetweenBalls(ball, my_ball) - ball.size - my_ball.size, 0); if (ball.size < my_ball.size) { score = score; } else { score = -score * 5; } } } candidates.push({ x: ball.x - my_ball.x, y: ball.y - my_ball.y, score: score }); } var x = y = p = 0; for (var candidate_id in candidates) { var candidate = candidates[candidate_id]; // console.log(candidate.x, candidate.y, candidate.score) x += candidate.x * candidate.score; y += candidate.y * candidate.score; p += candidate.score; } this.client.moveTo(my_ball.x + x / p, my_ball.y + y / p); } }; var d = {}; // DEBUG Allow access from console window.onload = function() { d.client = new Client('worker'); d.viewer = new Viewer(d.client, document.getElementById('viewer')); d.controller = new Controller(d.client); d.pointer = new Pointer(d.viewer); // d.ia = new IA(d.client); };