该仓库已于 2019-08-08 归档。您可以查看文件或克隆它,但不能推送、创建工单或合并请求。

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#Web-browser client for agar.io A small browser-based graphical client for agar.io, written using pixijs and agario-client. Dependency Status

DISCLAIMER: This project isn't affiliated with agar.io in any way. When playing with this client, you don't get ads, which is nice for you maybe, but it doesn't pay for the servers needed to run the game.

Note: You won't be able to play directly on agar.io servers due to cross origin policy restrictions. You must use a proxy (you can for example use the repeater you can find in agario-devtools).


  • Clone the repo.
  • Install gulp globally npm install -g gulp
  • Install required dependencies npm install
  • Run gulp
  • Open app.html from the browser