-- Testbench automatically generated online -- at http://vhdl.lapinoo.net -- Generation date : 24.2.2018 15:15:56 GMT library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity hedm_tb is end hedm_tb; architecture tb of hedm_tb is component hedm port (clk : in std_logic; chA : in std_logic; chB : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; zero : in std_logic; counts : out integer); end component; signal clk : std_logic; signal chA : std_logic; signal chB : std_logic; signal reset : std_logic; signal zero : std_logic; signal counts : integer; constant TbPeriod : time := 20 ns; signal TbClock : std_logic := '0'; signal TbSimEnded : std_logic := '0'; begin dut : hedm port map (clk => clk, chA => chA, chB => chB, reset => reset, zero => zero, counts => counts); -- Clock generation TbClock <= not TbClock after TbPeriod/2 when TbSimEnded /= '1' else '0'; clk <= TbClock; stimuli : process variable tour : integer; constant nbTours : integer := 10; begin chA <= '0'; chB <= '0'; zero <= '0'; -- Reset generation reset <= '1'; wait for 100 ns; reset <= '0'; wait for 100 ns; -- Test sens avant for I in 0 to nbTours-1 loop chA <= '1'; wait for TbPeriod; chB <= '1'; wait for TbPeriod; chA <= '0'; wait for TbPeriod; chB <= '0'; wait for TbPeriod; end loop; wait for 5 * TbPeriod; assert counts = nbTours * 4 report "Sens avant faux, reçu " & integer'image(counts) severity error; -- Test zero zero <= '1'; wait for TbPeriod; zero <= '0'; wait for TbPeriod; wait for 5 * TbPeriod; assert counts = 0 report "Zero faux, reçu " & integer'image(counts) severity error; -- Test sens arrière for I in 0 to nbTours-1 loop chB <= '1'; wait for TbPeriod; chA <= '1'; wait for TbPeriod; chB <= '0'; wait for TbPeriod; chA <= '0'; wait for TbPeriod; end loop; wait for 5 * TbPeriod; assert counts = -40 report "Sens arrière faux, reçu " & integer'image(counts) severity error; -- Test zero en éxecution chA <= '1'; wait for TbPeriod; chB <= '1'; wait for TbPeriod; chA <= '0'; zero <= '1'; wait for TbPeriod; chB <= '0'; zero <= '0'; wait for TbPeriod; wait for 5 * TbPeriod; assert counts = 2 report "Zero en éxecution faux, reçu " & integer'image(counts) severity error; zero <= '1'; wait for TbPeriod; zero <= '0'; wait for TbPeriod; -- Test aller-retours for I in 0 to nbTours-1 loop chA <= '1'; wait for TbPeriod; chB <= '1'; wait for TbPeriod; chB <= '0'; wait for TbPeriod; chA <= '0'; wait for TbPeriod; end loop; wait for 5 * TbPeriod; assert counts = 0 report "Aller-retours faux, reçu " & integer'image(counts) severity error; -- Stop the clock and hence terminate the simulation TbSimEnded <= '1'; wait; end process; end tb;