>name >VALUE GND Symbol <b>VCC SUPPLY SYMBOL</b> GND Supply <b>AMP Connectors</b><p> RJ45 Jack connectors<br> Based on the previous libraris: <ul> <li>amp.lbr <li>amp-j.lbr <li>amp-mta.lbr <li>amp-nlok.lbr <li>amp-sim.lbr <li>amp-micro-match.lbr </ul> Sources : <ul> <li>Catalog 82066 Revised 11-95 <li>Product Guide 296785 Rev. 8-99 <li>Product Guide CD-ROM 1999 <li>www.amp.com </ul> <author>Created by librarian@cadsoft.de</author> <b>JUMPER REVISITE PAR AMAURY</b> >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE 1 <b>AMP connector</b> Since Version 8.2, EAGLE supports online libraries. The ids of those online libraries will not be understood (or retained) with this version. Since Version 8.3, EAGLE supports URNs for individual library assets (packages, symbols, and devices). The URNs of those assets will not be understood (or retained) with this version.