#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -i python3 #! nix-shell -p python3 python3Packages.magic xdg-utils feh zathura # pylint: disable=C0103 """ Find the subjectively best software to open the file given in arguments with. Doesn't use that XDG mess (only in last resort). """ import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile import urllib.request import magic # Getting what's needed path = sys.argv[1] # Getting the MIME type ishttp = path.startswith("http") buf = None if ishttp: buf = urllib.request.urlopen(path) chunk = buf.read(1024) fmagic = magic.detect_from_content(chunk) else: assert os.path.isfile(path), f"Not a file: {path}" path = os.path.realpath(path) fmagic = magic.detect_from_filename(path) mime = tuple(fmagic.mime_type.split("/")) assert len(mime) == 2 graphical = os.environ.get("DISPLAY") # Some energumens if mime[0] == "application" and mime[1] in ("json", "javascript"): mime = ("text", mime[1]) # Determine stuff ex = None # Executable needed to open the file forcelocal = False # If we need to copy the file locally before opening it isterm = False # Executable should run in a terminal if mime[0] == "text": if not ishttp: ex = os.environ.get("VISUAL" if graphical else "EDITOR", None) isterm = True elif mime[0] == "image": ex = "feh" elif mime[0] in ("audio", "video"): ex = "mpv" isterm = True elif mime == ("application", "pdf"): ex = "zathura" forcelocal = True # Open stuff tmp = None if ex: if forcelocal and ishttp: assert buf tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="o") tmp.write(chunk) tmp.write(buf.read()) path = tmp.name else: ex = "xdg-open" if ishttp: ex = os.environ.get("BROWSER", ex) if buf: buf.close() # TODO Launch a new terminal window for some assert ex p = subprocess.run([ex, path]) if tmp: tmp.close() sys.exit(p.returncode)