#!/usr/bin/env bash # Allows easy manipulation of the proxy variables function proxy_set_help { echo "Usage: $0 set ADDRESS" echo echo "Arguments:" echo " ADDRESS Address of the proxy" echo echo "Examples:" echo ' eval "$(proxy set http://proxy.mycompany.com:3128/)"' return 0 } function proxy_set { if [ -z $1 ]; then proxy_set_help return 1 fi echo "export http_proxy='$1'" echo "export https_proxy='$1'" echo "export ftp_proxy='$1'" echo "export rsync_proxy='$1'" exit 0 } function proxy_setup_help { echo "Usage: $0 setup" echo echo "Examples:" echo " proxy_set # Then eval the output" return 0 } function proxy_setup { export no_proxy="localhost,,localaddress,.localdomain.com" if (( $# > 0 )); then valid=$(echo $@ | sed -n 's/\([0-9]\{1,3\}.\)\{4\}:\([0-9]\+\)/&/p') if [[ $valid != $@ ]]; then >&2 echo "Invalid address" return 1 fi proxy_set "http://$1/" return 0 fi echo -n "User: "; read username if [[ $username != "" ]]; then echo -n "Password: " read -es password local pre="$username:$password@" fi echo -n "Server: "; read server echo -n "Port: "; read port proxy_set "http://$pre$server:$port/" return 0 } function proxy_off_help { echo "Usage: $0 off" echo echo "Examples:" echo ' eval $(proxy off)' return 0 } function proxy_off { echo 'unset http_proxy' echo 'unset https_proxy' echo 'unset ftp_proxy' echo 'unset rsync_proxy' return 0 } function proxy_help { command="$1" if [ -n "$command" ]; then if type "proxy_${command}_help" &> /dev/null; then shift "proxy_${command}_help" "$@" return $? fi fi echo "Usage: $0 COMMAND" echo echo "Commands:" echo " setup Interactively setup proxy" echo " set Set proxy from address" echo " off Turn off proxy" echo " help Get help with commands" return 0 } # MAIN command="$1" shift if type "proxy_$command" &> /dev/null; then "proxy_$command" "$@" else proxy_help fi