#!/usr/bin/env bash # Installs user preferences the way I like it # NOTE In the process of migrating to a new install workflow. # This holds stuff that have not been migrated yet. # TODO A lot of stuff mkdir -p $HOME/.cache mkdir -p $HOME/.cache/zsh mkdir -p $HOME/.cache/mpd mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh . $HOME/.config/scripts/softwareList echo "Doing stuff cuz" $HOME/.config/Xresources/configure changeColors monokai pip install --user --requirement $HOME/.config/lemonbar/requirements.txt vim +PlugUpgrade +PlugUpdate +PlugInstall +qall ### RECYCLE BIN # Help yourself # # translate-shell # curl -L git.io/trans > ~/.local/bin/trans # chmod +x ~/.local/bin/trans # # sct # TMP=$(mktemp /tmp/XXXXXXXXXX.c) # wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ajnirp/208c03d3aa7f02c743d2/raw/55bf3eed25739173d8be57b5179ed5542cf40ed6/sct.c -O $TMP # cc $TMP --std=c99 -lX11 -lXrandr -o $HOME/.local/bin/sct # rm $TMP