#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Script that download videos that are linked as an article in a RSS feed. The common use case would be a feed from an RSS aggregator with the unread items (non-video links are ignored). """ import enum import functools import logging import os import pickle import random import re import subprocess import sys import typing import urllib.parse import urllib.request import urllib.error from xml.dom import minidom import coloredlogs import configargparse import yt_dlp as youtube_dl log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def configure_logging(args: configargparse.Namespace) -> None: # Configure logging if args.verbosity: coloredlogs.install( level=args.verbosity, ) else: coloredlogs.install( fmt="%(message)s", logger=log, ) class RVElement: parent: "RVDatabase" item: minidom.Element was_downloaded: bool watched: bool def __init__(self, parent: "RVDatabase", item: minidom.Element) -> None: self.parent = parent self.item = item self.was_downloaded = False self.watched = False def get_tag_data(self, tag_name: str) -> str: nodes = self.item.getElementsByTagName(tag_name) if len(nodes) != 1: raise KeyError(f"Exepected 1 tag `{tag_name}`, got {len(nodes)}.") children = nodes[0].childNodes if len(children) != 1: raise KeyError( f"Exepected 1 children for tag `{tag_name}`, got {len(children)}." ) return children[0].data @property def title(self) -> str: return self.get_tag_data("title") @property def link(self) -> str: return self.get_tag_data("link") @property def creator(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: try: return self.get_tag_data("dc:creator") except KeyError: return None @property def description(self) -> str: # TODO Testing return self.get_tag_data("description") @property def date(self) -> str: # TODO datetime format return self.get_tag_data("pubDate") @property def guid(self) -> int: return int(self.get_tag_data("guid")) def salvage_cache(self, cache: "RVElement") -> None: if "ytdl_infos" in cache.__dict__: self.__dict__["ytdl_infos"] = cache.__dict__["ytdl_infos"] log.debug(f"From cache: {self}") if cache.was_downloaded: self.was_downloaded = True if cache.watched: self.watched = True def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.guid}: {self.creator} – {self.title} – {self.link}" @property def downloaded(self) -> bool: if "ytdl_infos" not in self.__dict__: return False return os.path.isfile(self.filepath) @functools.cached_property def ytdl_infos(self) -> typing.Optional[dict]: log.info(f"Researching: {self}") try: infos = self.parent.ytdl_dry.extract_info(self.link) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: raise e except youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError as e: # TODO Still raise in case of temporary network issue log.warning(e) infos = None # Apparently that thing is transformed from a LazyList # somewhere in the normal yt_dlp process if ( infos and "thumbnails" in infos and isinstance(infos["thumbnails"], youtube_dl.utils.LazyList) ): infos["thumbnails"] = infos["thumbnails"].exhaust() # Save database once it's been computed self.__dict__["ytdl_infos"] = infos self.parent.save() return infos @property def duration(self) -> int: assert self.is_video assert self.ytdl_infos return self.ytdl_infos["duration"] @property def is_video(self) -> bool: # Duration might be missing in playlists and stuff return self.ytdl_infos is not None and "duration" in self.ytdl_infos @property def filepath(self) -> str: assert self.is_video # TODO This doesn't change the extension to mkv when the formats are incomaptible return self.parent.ytdl_dry.prepare_filename(self.ytdl_infos) @property def filename(self) -> str: assert self.is_video return os.path.splitext(self.filepath)[0] def download(self) -> None: assert self.is_video log.info(f"Downloading: {self}") if not self.parent.args.dryrun: self.parent.ytdl.process_ie_result(self.ytdl_infos, True, {}) self.was_downloaded = True self.parent.save() def act(self) -> None: if not self.is_video: log.debug(f"Not a video: {self}") return if self.downloaded: log.debug(f"Currently downloaded: {self}") return if self.was_downloaded: log.debug(f"Downloaded previously: {self}") return self.download() MATCHES_DURATION_MULTIPLIERS = {"s": 1, "m": 60, "h": 3600, None: 1} MATCHES_DURATION_COMPARATORS = { "<": int.__lt__, "-": int.__lt__, ">": int.__gt__, "+": int.__gt__, "=": int.__eq__, None: int.__le__, } def matches_filter(self, args: configargparse.Namespace) -> bool: if self.watched: return False if args.title and not re.search(args.title, self.title): return False if args.guid and not re.search(args.guid, str(self.guid)): return False if args.link and not re.search(args.link, self.link): return False if args.creator and self.creator and not re.search(args.creator, self.creator): return False if not self.is_video: return False if args.duration: dur = args.duration mult_index = dur[-1].lower() if mult_index.isdigit(): mult_index = None else: dur = dur[:-1] try: multiplier = self.MATCHES_DURATION_MULTIPLIERS[mult_index] except IndexError: raise ValueError(f"Unknown duration multiplier: {mult_index}") comp_index = dur[0] if comp_index.isdigit(): comp_index = None else: dur = dur[1:] try: comparator = self.MATCHES_DURATION_COMPARATORS[comp_index] except IndexError: raise ValueError(f"Unknown duration comparator: {comp_index}") duration = int(dur) if not comparator(self.duration, duration * multiplier): return False return True def watch(self) -> None: if not self.downloaded: self.download() cmd = ["mpv", self.filepath] log.debug(f"Running {cmd}") if not self.parent.args.dryrun: proc = subprocess.run(cmd) proc.check_returncode() self.watched = True self.parent.save() class RVDatabase: SAVE_FILE = ".cache.p" args: configargparse.Namespace elements: list[RVElement] def __init__(self, args: configargparse.Namespace) -> None: self.args = args def save(self) -> None: log.debug("Saving cache") if self.args.dryrun: return with open(self.SAVE_FILE, "wb") as save_file: pickle.dump(self, save_file) @classmethod def load(cls) -> typing.Optional["RVDatabase"]: try: with open(cls.SAVE_FILE, "rb") as save_file: return pickle.load(save_file) except (TypeError, AttributeError, EOFError): log.warning("Corrupt / outdated cache, it will be rebuilt.") except FileNotFoundError: pass return None def salvage_cache(self, cache: "RVDatabase") -> None: log.debug(f"Salvaging cache") cache_els = dict() for cache_el in cache.elements: cache_els[cache_el.guid] = cache_el for el in self.elements: if el.guid in cache_els: el.salvage_cache(cache_els[el.guid]) def import_cache(self, cache: "RVDatabase") -> None: log.debug(f"Importing cache") self.feed_xml = cache.feed_xml self.read_feed() @functools.cached_property def feed_xml(self) -> minidom.Document: log.info("Fetching RSS feed") with urllib.request.urlopen(self.args.feed) as request: return minidom.parse(request) def read_feed(self) -> None: self.elements = [] for item in self.feed_xml.getElementsByTagName("item"): element = RVElement(self, item) self.elements.insert(0, element) log.debug(f"Known: {element}") def clean(self) -> None: log.debug("Cleaning") filenames = set() for element in self.elements: if element.is_video: filenames.add(element.filename) for file in os.listdir(): if file == RVDatabase.SAVE_FILE: continue if not os.path.isfile(file): continue for filename in filenames: if file.startswith(filename): break else: log.info(f"Removing: {file}") if not self.args.dryrun: os.unlink(file) @property def ytdl_opts(self) -> dict: return {"format": self.args.format, "allsubtitles": self.args.subtitles} @property def ytdl_dry_opts(self) -> dict: opts = self.ytdl_opts.copy() opts.update({"simulate": True, "quiet": True}) return opts @property def ytdl(self) -> youtube_dl.YoutubeDL: return youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(self.ytdl_opts) @property def ytdl_dry(self) -> youtube_dl.YoutubeDL: return youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(self.ytdl_dry_opts) def filter(self, args: configargparse.Namespace) -> typing.Iterable[RVElement]: elements: typing.Iterable[RVElement] if args.order == "old": elements = self.elements elif args.order == "new": elements = reversed(self.elements) elif args.order == "random": elements_random = self.elements.copy() random.shuffle(elements_random) elements = elements_random return filter(lambda el: el.matches_filter(args), elements) def get_args() -> configargparse.Namespace: defaultConfigPath = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser(os.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_PATH", "~/.config/")), "rssVideos" ) parser = configargparse.ArgParser( description="Download videos linked in " + "a RSS feed (e.g. an unread feed from " + "an RSS aggregator", default_config_files=[defaultConfigPath], ) # Runtime settings parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbosity", choices=["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"], default=None, help="Verbosity of log messages", ) parser.add( "-c", "--config", required=False, is_config_file=True, help="Configuration file" ) parser.add( "-n", "--dryrun", help="Only pretend to do actions", action="store_const", const=True, default=False, ) # Input/Output parser.add( "--feed", help="URL of the RSS feed (must be public for now)", env_var="RSS_VIDEOS_FEED", required=True, ) parser.add( "--videos", help="Directory to store videos", env_var="RSS_VIDEOS_VIDEO_DIR", required=True, ) # Which videos parser.add( "--order", choices=("old", "new", "random"), default="old", help="Sorting mechanism", ) parser.add("--guid", help="Regex to filter guid") parser.add("--creator", help="Regex to filter by creator") parser.add("--title", help="Regex to filter by title") parser.add("--link", help="Regex to filter by link") parser.add("--duration", help="Comparative to filter by duration") # TODO Envrionment variables parser.add( "--max-duration", help="(Deprecated, use --duration instead)", env_var="RSS_VIDEOS_MAX_DURATION", type=int, default=0, ) # TODO Allow to ask # How to download parser.add( "--format", help="Use this format to download videos." + " See FORMAT SELECTION in youtube-dl(1)", env_var="RSS_VIDEOS_FORMAT", default="bestvideo+bestaudio/best", ) parser.add( "--subtitles", help="Download all subtitles", env_var="RSS_VIDEOS_SUBTITLES", action="store_true", ) parser.add( "action", nargs="?", choices=("download", "list", "watch", "binge"), default="download", ) args = parser.parse_args() args.videos = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(args.videos)) if not args.duration and args.max_duration: args.duration = str(args.max_duration) return args def main() -> None: args = get_args() configure_logging(args) os.makedirs(args.videos, exist_ok=True) os.chdir(args.videos) database = RVDatabase(args) cache = RVDatabase.load() try: database.read_feed() except urllib.error.URLError as err: if args.action == "download" or not cache: raise err else: log.warning("Cannot fetch RSS feed, using cached feed.", err) database.import_cache(cache) if cache: database.salvage_cache(cache) if args.action == "download": # TODO Clean on watch? / cache import with missing video / all researched database.clean() log.debug(f"Running action") for element in database.filter(args): if args.action == "download": element.act() elif args.action == "list": print(element) elif args.action in ("watch", "binge"): element.watch() if args.action == "watch": break database.save() if __name__ == "__main__": main()