--- - name: Set facts ansible.builtin.set_fact: arch_based: "{{ ansible_distribution == 'Archlinux' }}" arch: "{{ ansible_lsb.id == 'Arch' }}" manjaro: "{{ ansible_lsb.id == 'Manjaro' or ansible_lsb.id == 'Manjaro-ARM' }}" termux: "{{ ansible_distribution == 'OtherLinux' and ansible_python.executable == '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/python' }}" debian: "{{ ansible_distribution == 'Debian' }}" ubuntu: "{{ ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' }}" junest: "{{ ansible_distribution == 'Archlinux' and ansible_is_chroot }}" # TODO Check if /etc/junest exists tags: - always - name: Set composed facts ansible.builtin.set_fact: debian_based: "{{ debian or ubuntu }}" can_chown: "{{ not junest }}" has_systemd: "{{ not junest }}" tags: - always # TODO Make this a real Ansible fact maybe?