#!/usr/bin/env sh # List of the software I use divided by categories. # Oh and it asks the category you want to install on # the running machine too. # TODO Not tested with Debian derivate # TODO Not tested on home folder CONFIG_FILE="${XDG_CONFIG_DIR:=$HOME/.config}/softwareList" mkdir -p $XDG_CONFIG_DIR touch $CONFIG_FILE . $CONFIG_FILE prompt() { # text res="none" while [ "$res" = "none" ] do printf "%s [yn] " "$1" read -r yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) return 0;; [Nn]* ) return 1;; * ) echo "Please answer y or n.";; esac done } uservar() { # var text if [ -z "${!1}" ] then prompt "${2}" && res=true || res=false export "$1"="$res" echo "$1"="$res" >> "$CONFIG_FILE" fi } echo "Please answer some questions about this machine and what you want to do on it:" # Setting variables [ -d /data/data/com.termux/files ] && TERMUX=true || TERMUX=false $TERMUX && INSTALL_GUI=false [ "$USER" = "root" ] && SUPERUSER=true uservar SUPERUSER "Have root permissions?" uservar INSTALL_GUI "Install a GUI environment?" $INSTALL_GUI && INSTALL_X=true INSTALL_WAYLAND=false uservar INSTALL_PASSWORD "Handle password?" uservar INSTALL_MAIL "Read/send mail?" uservar INSTALL_ORGANISATION "Handle agenda/contacts?" uservar INSTALL_HOUSEKEEPING "Do some housekeeping?" uservar INSTALL_FPGA "Handle FPGAs?" uservar INSTALL_UTILITIES "Extra utilities?" uservar INSTALL_DOCUMENT "Create documents?" uservar INSTALL_IMAGE "Do image editing?" uservar INSTALL_MUSIC "Play/edit music?" uservar INSTALL_VIDEO "Play/edit videos?" if $INSTALL_GUI then uservar INSTALL_WINE "Run Windows applications?" fi echo "(you can change those answers later in $CONFIG_FILE)" # Preparing installers . $HOME/.config/scripts/common/installSoftware resetInstallers $SUPERUSER && addSystemInstallers addUserInstallers echo "Installers that will be used:" listInstallers | sed 's/^/- /' echo "Updating databases & packages" # updateInstallers # DEBUG put back echo "Finding packages to install" # Note: i A B: will try A then B for each installer # i A || i B: will try A for each installer, then B for each installer # Package managers (install first) i yay i python-pip python3-pip pip3 # TODO Install first and recharge installers # Utils used by those scripts i base coreutils # Basic shell commands (ls, rm, cp...) i bash # Shell i grep # Text finder i sed # Text replacer i tar # Archive tool i openssl openssl-tools # machines script verification # Various utilities $SUPERUSER && i sudo tsu $TERMUX && termux-api # Shell utilities i moreutils # Advanced shell commands (ts, sponge...) i tmux # Terminal multiplexer i bash-completion # Shell completions i fzf # Fancy file finder i highlight # Syntax highlighter i zsh # Shell i zsh-autosuggestions # Shell suggestions i zsh-completions # Shell completions i zsh-history-substring-search # Shell config i zsh-syntax-highlighting # Shell highlighting # Text edition (i neovim nvim && i python-neovim python3-neovim) || i vim || i vi # Text editor # Monitoring utilities i ncdu # Explore directories by weight on disk i lsof # Find who/what uses the files i pv # Allow to show progress in pipe # Network utilities i openssh # SSH connections i proxytunnel # Proxy connections through HTTPS i curl # Transfer URL i wget # Download URL i gnu-netcat # Network piping i socat # Multi-purpose relay i rsync # Remote file-copying tool i speedtest-cli # Network speed benchmarker i bind-tools # DNS queryier # Archives utilities i unzip # Unarchive ZIP files i unrar # Unarchive RAR files i p7zip # Unarchive 7z files # Password handling if $INSTALL_PASSWORD then i pwgen # Password generator i gopass || i pass # Password manager if $INSTALL_GUI then i rofi-pass # Password selector fi fi if $INSTALL_MAIL then # i offlineimap # Synchronize IMAP (legacy) i isync mbsync # Synchronize IMAP i msmtp # Send mail via SMTP i notmuch # Index mail i neomutt || i mutt # CLI mail client i lynx # CLI web browser (for HTML mail) i tiv # CLI image viewer if $INSTALL_GUI then i thunderbird # GUI mail client (just in case) fi fi if $INSTALL_ORGANISATION then i vdirsyncer # Synchronize DAV i khard # Contacts editor i khal # Calendar editor i task # Todo-list i timew # Time-tracker fi if $INSTALL_HOUSEKEEPING then i syncthing # Synchronize files amongst devices i jdupes # Find duplicates i duperemove # Find and merge dupplicates on BTRFS partitions i optipng # Optimize PNG files i jpegtran libjpeg-turbo # Compress JPEG files i reflac # Recompress FLAC files i pacman-contrib # Pactree and more i shred # Delete sensititve data i android-tools && i android-udev # Android Debug Bridge fi # Dev utilities i base-devel build-essential || (i make; i gcc) i git [ -z "$INSTALL_DEV" ] && $TERMUX && INSTALL_DEV=false if $INSTALL_DEV then # Misc/Reusable i man # Documentation i strace # Tracer i ctags universal-ctags exuberant-ctags # Tags generator # C/C++ i cmake # C++ Build system i clang # C/C++ Compiler i ccache # Build cache i gdb # Debugger # JS i jq # CLI JSON file handler # Python i python-language-server # Python language server i mypy && i pyls-mypy # Static typing checker for Python # Bash i bash-language-server # Bash / SH language server fi if $INSTALL_FPGA then i yosys # Verilog processor i iverilog # Verilog simulator i ghdl # VHDL simulator i gtkwave # Simulation file viewer fi if $INSTALL_UTILITIES then i visidata # CSV file reader i insect # Unit calculator i zbar # Read QR codes i htop # View process usage $SUPERUSER && i iotop # View process I/O i progress # Show progress of functions fi if $INSTALL_DOCUMENT then i pandoc # Document converter i texlive-most && i texlive-lang # LaTeX renderer i pdftk # PDF manipulator i translate-shell # Translator i inkscape # Vector image converter i optipng # Optimize PNG files i jpegtran libjpeg-turbo # Compress JPEG files fi if $INSTALL_IMAGE then i imagemagick # CLI Image manipulator i gimp # Photo editor i darktable # Raw photo editor i inkscape # Vectorial image editor i optipng # Optimize PNG files i jpegtran libjpeg-turbo # Compress JPEG files fi if $INSTALL_MUSIC then i mpv # Audio/Video player i puddletag-qt5-git puddletag # Musig tag editor # (remove -qt5 once it has been merged upstream) i mpd # Music player daemon i mpc # CLI MPD client i vimpc-git # CLI UI MPD client i musescore # Music sheet editor i ashuffle # Auto-fill MPD playlist fi if $INSTALL_VIDEO then i vlc # Video player i mpv # Audio/Video player i ffmpeg # Video/Audio file handler i youtube-dl # Downloader for videos i megatools # Downloader for mega.nz if $INSTALL_X then i simplescreenrecorder # Screen recorder fi fi if $INSTALL_WINE then # TODO Add multilib repo and pacman -Sy i wine # Wine i wine-gecko # Wine Internet Explorer i wine-mono # Wine .NET i mono # Mono .NET i lib32-libpulse # Sound for Wine with pulseaudio fi # Desktop environment if $INSTALL_GUI then i firefox # Web browser i firefox-dark-reader # Firefox extension: dark theme everywhere i firefox-decentraleyes # Firefox extension: fetch CDN resources locally i firefox-tridactyl # Firefox extension: Navigate with keyboard i firefox-ublock-origin # Firefox extension: Ad and tracker blocker # I still need to download manually: container extensions, No Tab i xkb-qwerty-fr # French QWERTY disposition i thunar # Directory browser (just in case) i gedit # Visual editor (just in case) i feh # Background / Image viewer i zathura && i zathura-pdf-mupdf # PDF viewer i ttf-dejavu # Font i ttf-twemoji # Emoji fonts i adobe-source-han-sans-otc-fonts # Chinese/Japanese/Korean fonts i sox # For beeps and stuff i meld # For comparison if $INSTALL_X then i i3-wm # WM i libgnomekbd # Show keyboard layout i dunst # Notifications i i3lock # Locker i numlockx # Numlock auto-unlock i rofi # HUD selector i rxvt-unicode # Terminal emulator i urxvt-resize-font-git # Resize fonts for urxvt i scrot # Screenshot taker i trayer # Tray icons (just in case) i unclutter # Auto mask mouse i xautolock # Auto lock screen i xclip # Copy/paste i lemonbar-xft-git lemonbar # Bottom bar i autorandr # Multiple screen configurations i keynav-enhanced keynav # Use mouse with keyboard i pacmixer # To change PA volumes i sct # Red filter # TODO Autocompile i xorg-xinit # To launch X i xorg-xbacklight xbacklight # For laptop brightness i pulseaudio # To get ausdio # TODO Bluetooth headset stuff fi if $INSTALL_WAYLAND then i sway fi fi echo "Listing software to install" listInstallers | while read -r installerName do echo " Installer $installerName will install:" listPackagesForInstaller "$installerName" | sed 's/^/ - /' done prompt "Okay with those?" || exit 0 echo "Installing packages" installPackages