#!/usr/bin/env cached-nix-shell #! nix-shell -i python3 #! nix-shell -p python3 python3Packages.pydantic """ glab wrapper for jujutsu, with some convinience features. """ import re import subprocess import sys import typing import pydantic import typing_extensions class GitLabMR(pydantic.BaseModel): """ Represents a GitLab Merge Request. """ title: str source_branch: str target_branch: str project_id: int source_project_id: int target_project_id: int @pydantic.model_validator(mode="after") def same_project(self) -> typing_extensions.Self: if not (self.project_id == self.source_project_id == self.target_project_id): raise NotImplementedError("Different project ids") return self def glab_get_mr(branch: str) -> GitLabMR: """ Get details about a GitLab MR. """ sp = subprocess.run( ["glab", "mr", "view", branch, "--output", "json"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) sp.check_returncode() return GitLabMR.model_validate_json(sp.stdout) class JujutsuType: """ Utility to work with Template types. https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/latest/templates/ """ FIELD_SEPARATOR: typing.ClassVar[str] = "\0" ESCAPED_SEPARATOR: typing.ClassVar[str] = r"\0" @staticmethod def template(base: str, type_: typing.Type) -> str: """ Generates a --template string that is machine-parseable for a given type. """ if typing.get_origin(type_) == list: # If we have a list, prepend it with the number of items # so we know how many fields we should consume. (subtype,) = typing.get_args(type_) subtype = typing.cast(typing.Type, subtype) return ( f'{base}.len()++"{JujutsuType.ESCAPED_SEPARATOR}"' f'++{base}.map(|l| {JujutsuType.template("l", subtype)})' ) elif issubclass(type_, JujutsuObject): return type_.template(base) else: return f'{base}++"{JujutsuType.ESCAPED_SEPARATOR}"' @staticmethod def parse(stack: list[str], type_: typing.Type) -> typing.Any: """ Unserialize the result of a template to a given type. Needs to be provided the template as a list splitted by the field separator. It will consume the fields it needs. """ if typing.get_origin(type_) == list: (subtype,) = typing.get_args(type_) subtype = typing.cast(typing.Type, subtype) len = int(stack.pop(0)) return [JujutsuType.parse(stack, subtype) for i in range(len)] elif issubclass(type_, JujutsuObject): return type_.parse(stack) else: return stack.pop(0) class JujutsuObject(pydantic.BaseModel): @classmethod def template(cls, base: str) -> str: temp = [] for k, v in cls.model_fields.items(): key = f"{base}.{k}()" temp.append(JujutsuType.template(key, v.annotation)) return "++".join(temp) @classmethod def parse(cls, stack: list[str]) -> typing_extensions.Self: ddict = dict() for k, v in cls.model_fields.items(): ddict[k] = JujutsuType.parse(stack, v.annotation) return cls(**ddict) class JujutsuShortestIdPrefix(JujutsuObject): prefix: str rest: str @property def full(self) -> str: return self.prefix + self.rest class JujutsuChangeId(JujutsuObject): shortest: JujutsuShortestIdPrefix @property def full(self) -> str: return self.shortest.full class JujutsuRefName(JujutsuObject): name: str class JujutsuCommit(JujutsuObject): change_id: JujutsuChangeId bookmarks: list[JujutsuRefName] class Jujutsu: """ Represents a Jujutsu repo. Since there's no need for multi-repo, this is just the one in the current directory. """ def run(self, *args: str, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: cmd = ["jj"] cmd.extend(args) sp = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) sp.check_returncode() return sp def log(self, revset: str = "@") -> list[JujutsuCommit]: cmd = [ "log", "-r", revset, "--no-graph", "-T", JujutsuCommit.template("self"), ] sp = self.run(*cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stack = sp.stdout.decode().split(JujutsuType.FIELD_SEPARATOR) assert stack[-1] == "", "No trailing NUL byte" stack.pop() commits = [] while len(stack): commits.append(JujutsuCommit.parse(stack)) return commits jj = Jujutsu() def current_bookmark() -> JujutsuRefName | None: """ Replacement of git's current branch concept working with jj. Needed for commodity features, such as not requiring to type the MR mumber / branch for `glab mr`, or automatically advance the bookmark to the head before pushing. """ bookmarks = [] for commit in jj.log("reachable(@, trunk()..)"): bookmarks.extend(commit.bookmarks) if len(bookmarks) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Multiple bookmarks on trunk branch") # TODO # If there's a split in the tree: TBD # If there's no bookmark ahead: the bookmark behind # If there's a bookmark ahead: that one # (needs adjusting of push so it doesn't advance anything then) if bookmarks: return bookmarks[0] else: return None def to_glab() -> None: """ Pass the remaining arguments to glab. """ sp = subprocess.run(["glab"] + sys.argv[1:]) sys.exit(sp.returncode) if len(sys.argv) <= 1: to_glab() elif sys.argv[1] in ("merge", "mr"): if len(sys.argv) <= 2: to_glab() elif sys.argv[2] == "checkout": # Bypass the original checkout command so it doesn't run git commands. # If there's no commit on the branch, add one with the MR title # so jj has a current bookmark. mr = glab_get_mr(sys.argv[3]) jj.run("git", "fetch") if len(JujutsuCommit.log(f"{mr.source_branch} | {mr.target_branch}")) == 1: title = re.sub(r"^(WIP|Draft): ", "", mr.title) jj.run("new", mr.source_branch) jj.run("describe", "-m", title) jj.run("bookmark", "move", mr.source_branch) else: jj.run("bookmark", "edit", mr.source_branch) elif sys.argv[2] in ( # If no MR number/branch is given, insert the current bookmark, # as the current branch concept doesn't exist in jj "approve", "approvers", "checkout", "close", "delete", "diff", "issues", "merge", "note", "rebase", "revoke", "subscribe", "todo", "unsubscribe", "update", "view", ): if len(sys.argv) <= 3 or sys.argv[3].startswith("-"): bookmark = current_bookmark() if bookmark: sys.argv.insert(3, bookmark.name) to_glab() else: to_glab() elif sys.argv[1] == "push": # Advance the current branch to the head and push bookmark = current_bookmark() if not bookmark: raise RuntimeError("Couldn't find a current branch") heads = jj.log("heads(@::)") if len(heads) != 1: raise RuntimeError("Multiple heads") # Or none if something goes horribly wrong head = heads[0] jj.run("bookmark", "set", bookmark.name, "-r", head.change_id.full) jj.run("git", "push", "--bookmark", bookmark.name) # TODO Sign https://github.com/martinvonz/jj/issues/4712 else: to_glab() # TODO Autocomplete