{ pkgs, ... }: { xsession.windowManager.i3.enable = true; home.packages = with pkgs; [ # remote tigervnc # music mpd mpc-cli ashuffle vimpc # multimedia common gimp inkscape mpv mpvScripts.thumbnail libreoffice # data management freefilesync # browsers firefox qutebrowser # fonts dejavu_fonts twemoji-color-font xfce.thunar gnome.gedit feh zathura zbar zathura meld python3Packages.magic yubikey-touch-detector # x11-exclusive libgnomekbd # to show keyboard layout dunst i3lock numlockx rofi rofimoji rxvt-unicode # TODO urxvt-resize-font-git scrot simplescreenrecorder trayer unclutter xautolock xclip lemonbar-xft autorandr keynav sct xorg.xinit xorg.xbacklight alacritty # organisation rofi-pass # TODO Try autopass.cr thunderbird ]; }