#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -i bash #! nix-shell -p bash pdftk inkscape gnused coreutils file set -euxo pipefail # Utility to write over a PDF file pages # TODO Inkscape vodoo: Put the original in its own layer and skip when merging orig_path="$1" orig_dir="$(dirname "$orig_path")" orig_file="$(basename "$orig_path")" orig_ext="${orig_file##*.}" orig_name="${orig_file%.*}" wdir_file="${orig_name}_src.${orig_ext}" wdir_path="${orig_dir}/${wdir_file}" if [ -d "$wdir_path" ] then echo "Source directory $wdir_path found" ls "${wdir_path}/"*"_og.pdf" | while read page_orig_path do page_stmp_svg="$(echo "$page_orig_path" | sed 's|_og\.pdf$|_fg\.svg|')" page_stmp_pdf="$(echo "$page_orig_path" | sed 's|_og\.pdf$|_fg\.pdf|')" page_fin_pdf="$(echo "$page_orig_path" | sed 's|_og\.pdf$|_fin\.pdf|')" if [ -f "$page_stmp_svg" ] then echo "Processing $page_orig_path (applying stamp)" inkscape "$page_stmp_svg" --export-filename "$page_stmp_pdf" pdftk "$page_orig_path" stamp "$page_stmp_pdf" output "$page_fin_pdf" else echo "Processing $page_orig_path (copying)" cp "$page_orig_path" "$page_fin_pdf" fi done echo "Merging everything back to ${orig_path}." pdftk "${wdir_path}/"*"_fin.pdf" output "$orig_path" echo "Deleting temporary files." rm "${wdir_path}/"*"_fin.pdf" "${wdir_path}/"*"_fg.pdf" echo "Done." elif [ -f "$orig_path" ] then if [ "$(file --mime-type --brief "$orig_path")" != "application/pdf" ] then echo "${orig_path}: not a PDF file" exit 1 fi echo "Creating source directory $wdir_path with original pages and template SVGs" mkdir "$wdir_path" pdftk "$orig_file" burst output "${wdir_path}/${orig_name}_%03d_og.pdf" ls "${wdir_path}/"*"_og.pdf" | while read page_orig_path do page_stmp_svg="$(echo "$page_orig_path" | sed 's|_og\.pdf$|_fg\.svg|')" echo "Processing $page_orig_path" inkscape "$page_orig_path" --export-plain-svg --export-filename "$page_stmp_svg" done echo "Done. Make sure to edit in a a new layer in Inkscape and hide the original one." else echo "${orig_path}: no such file or directory" exit 1 fi