[global] alignment = left always_run_script = true browser = /usr/bin/qutebrowser class = Dunst dmenu = /usr/bin/dmenu -p dunst: ellipsize = middle follow = none font = DejaVu Sans 10 force_xinerama = false format = "%s %p\n%b" frame_color = "#A6E22E" frame_width = 3 geometry = "500x5-30+20" hide_duplicate_count = false history_length = 20 horizontal_padding = 8 icon_path = /usr/share/icons/gnome/256x256/actions/:/usr/share/icons/gnome/256x256/status/:/usr/share/icons/gnome/256x256/devices/ icon_position = left idle_threshold = 120 ignore_newline = no indicate_hidden = yes line_height = 0 markup = full max_icon_size = 48 monitor = 0 notification_height = 0 padding = 8 separator_color = frame separator_height = 2 show_age_threshold = 60 show_indicators = yes shrink = no sort = yes stack_duplicates = true startup_notification = false sticky_history = yes title = Dunst transparency = 0 verbosity = mesg word_wrap = yes [experimental] per_monitor_dpi = false [shortcuts] close_all = ctrl+mod4+n close = mod4+n context = mod1+mod4+n history = shift+mod4+n [urgency_low] background = "#272822" foreground = "#F8F8F2" frame_color = "#A6E22E" timeout = 10 [urgency_normal] background = "#272822" foreground = "#F8F8F2" frame_color = "#F4BF75" timeout = 10 [urgency_critical] background = "#272822" foreground = "#F8F8F2" frame_color = "#F92672" timeout = 0 {{ base16_schemes['schemes'][base16_scheme]['dunst']['themes']['base16-' + base16_scheme + '.dunstrc'] }} # TODO Not used. Not sure how it's supposed to be used :D