{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: { frogeye.hooks.lock = '' ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/rm -rf "/tmp/cached_pass_$UID" ''; programs = { home-manager.enable = true; bat = { enable = true; config.style = "full"; }; bash.shellAliases = { # Replacement commands # ls = "lsd"; # lsd is suuuper slow for large directories cat = "bat -pp"; # Completion for existing commands mkdir = "mkdir -v"; # cp = "cp -i"; # Disabled because conflicts with the ZSH/Bash one. This separation is confusing I swear. mv = "mv -iv"; free = "free -h"; df = "df -h"; ffmpeg = "ffmpeg -hide_banner"; ffprobe = "ffprobe -hide_banner"; ffplay = "ffplay -hide_banner"; numbat = "numbat --intro-banner off"; insect = "numbat"; # Frequent mistakes sl = "ls"; al = "la"; mdkir = "mkdir"; systemclt = "systemctl"; please = "sudo"; # Shortcuts for commonly used commands ll = "lsd -l"; la = "lsd -la"; s = "sudo -s -E"; # Preference wol = "wakeonlan"; # TODO Really, isn't wol better? Also wtf Arch aliases to pass because neither is installed anyways x) mutt = "neomutt"; # Bash/Zsh only cp = "cp -i --reflink=auto"; grep = "grep --color=auto"; dd = "dd status=progress"; rm = "rm -v --one-file-system"; # free = "free -m"; # Disabled because... no? Why? diff = "diff --color=auto"; dmesg = "dmesg --ctime"; wget = "wget --hsts-file ${config.xdg.cacheHome}/wget-hsts"; # Imported from scripts rms = ''${pkgs.findutils}/bin/find . -name "*.sync-conflict-*" -delete''; # Remove syncthing conflict files newestFile = ''${pkgs.findutils}/bin/find -type f -printf '%T+ %p\n' | sort | tail''; oldestFile = ''${pkgs.findutils}/bin/find -type f -printf '%T+ %p\n' | sort | head''; }; thefuck = { enable = true; enableBashIntegration = true; enableZshIntegration = true; }; lsd = { enable = true; settings = { size = "short"; }; colors = { # Base16 only, so it reuses the current theme. date = { day-old = 4; hour-old = 6; older = 5; }; git-status = { conflicted = 14; default = 13; deleted = 1; ignored = 13; modified = 3; new-in-index = 2; new-in-workdir = 2; renamed = 4; typechange = 3; unmodified = 13; }; group = 6; inode = { invalid = 245; valid = 13; }; links = { invalid = 9; valid = 14; }; permission = { acl = 6; context = 14; exec = 1; exec-sticky = 5; no-access = 245; octal = 6; read = 2; write = 3; }; size = { large = 1; medium = 9; none = 11; small = 3; }; tree-edge = 13; user = 2; }; }; dircolors = { enable = true; enableBashIntegration = true; enableZshIntegration = true; # UPST This thing put stuff in .dircolors when it actually doesn't have to }; git.enable = true; gpg.enable = true; fzf = { enable = true; enableZshIntegration = true; defaultOptions = [ "--height 40%" "--layout=default" ]; fileWidgetOptions = [ "--preview '[[ -d {} ]] && ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/ls -l --color=always {} || [[ \$(${pkgs.file}/bin/file --mime {}) =~ binary ]] && ${pkgs.file}/bin/file --brief {} || (${pkgs.highlight}/bin/highlight -O ansi -l {} || coderay {} || rougify {} || ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cat {}) 2> /dev/null | head -500'" ]; # TODO Above not working... not really used either? # file and friends are not in PATH by default... so here we want aboslute paths, which means those won't get reloaded. Meh. }; less.enable = true; nixvim.enable = true; readline = { enable = true; variables = { "bell-style" = "none"; "colored-completion-prefix" = true; "colored-stats" = true; "completion-ignore-case" = true; "completion-query-items" = 200; "editing-mode" = "vi"; "history-preserve-point" = true; "history-size" = 10000; "horizontal-scroll-mode" = false; "mark-directories" = true; "mark-modified-lines" = false; "mark-symlinked-directories" = true; "match-hidden-files" = true; "menu-complete-display-prefix" = true; "page-completions" = true; "print-completions-horizontally" = false; "revert-all-at-newline" = false; "show-all-if-ambiguous" = true; "show-all-if-unmodified" = true; "show-mode-in-prompt" = true; "skip-completed-text" = true; "visible-stats" = false; }; extraConfig = builtins.readFile ./inputrc; }; tmux.enable = true; translate-shell.enable = true; # TODO Cool config? }; home = { activation = { # Prevent Virtualbox from creating a "VirtualBox VMs" folder in $HOME setVirtualboxSettings = lib.hm.dag.entryAfter [ "writeBoundary" ] '' if command -v VBoxManage > /dev/null then VBoxManage setproperty machinefolder ${config.xdg.dataHome}/virtualbox fi ''; }; stateVersion = "24.05"; packages = with pkgs; [ # Terminal utils coreutils moreutils rename which file # Pipe utils gnugrep gnused gawk # Extraction gnutar unzip unrar p7zip # Documentation man tldr neofetch # remote wget curl openssl openssh rsync borgbackup sshfs # cleanup ncdu jdupes duperemove compsize btdu # toolbox imagemagick numbat # hardware pciutils usbutils dmidecode lshw labelle # Label printer # Locker (pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "lock"; text = '' ${config.frogeye.hooks.lock} ${pkgs.vlock}/bin/vlock --all ''; }) ]; sessionVariables = { # Favourite commands # Extra config # INPUTRC = "${config.xdg.configHome}/inputrc"; # UPST Will use programs.readline, but doesn't allow path setting SQLITE_HISTFILE = "${config.xdg.stateHome}/sqlite_history"; # Bash/ZSH only? TIME_STYLE = "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"; # Fzf FZF_COMPLETION_OPTS = "${lib.strings.concatStringsSep " " config.programs.fzf.fileWidgetOptions}"; }; sessionPath = [ "${config.home.homeDirectory}/.local/bin" "${config.home.homeDirectory}/.config/dotfiles/hm/scripts" # Not Nix path otherwise it gets converted into store, # and then every time you want to modify a script you have to rebuild and re-login... ]; }; }