{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: { config = lib.mkIf config.frogeye.extra { programs = { pandoc.enable = true; yt-dlp = { enable = true; settings = { format = "bestvideo[height<=${builtins.toString config.frogeye.desktop.maxVideoHeight}]+bestaudio/best"; sponsorblock-mark = "all"; sponsorblock-remove = "intro,outro,sponsor,selfpromo,preview,interaction,music_offtopic"; sub-langs = "en,fr"; write-auto-subs = true; write-subs = true; mark-watched = true; # Give something to creators, maybe }; }; }; home.packages = with pkgs; ( [ # android tools android-tools # Communication signal-desktop (pkgs.callPackage ./whisperx.nix { }) # Transcribe voice messages # downloading # transmission TODO Collision if both transmissions are active? # Multimedia toolbox ffmpeg # documents visidata pdftk pdfgrep # Misc haskellPackages.dice ] ++ lib.optionals config.frogeye.desktop.xorg [ # multimedia editors puddletag xournalpp # downloading transmission_4-qt # Misc rustdesk-flutter ] ); }; }