# Xorg configuration - name: Check if there is Intel backlight ansible.builtin.stat: path: /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight register: intel_backlight when: display_server == 'x11' - name: Install Intel video drivers (Arch based) community.general.pacman: name: xf86-video-intel # state: "{{ intel_backlight.stat.exists }}" state: present become: true when: display_server == 'x11' and intel_backlight.stat.exists and arch_based # TODO With software role? Would permit other distributions - name: Configure Xorg Intel backlight ansible.builtin.copy: src: xorg/intel_backlight.conf dest: "{{ item }}/20-intel_backlight.conf" become: true when: display_server == 'x11' and intel_backlight.stat.exists loop: "{{ xorg_common_config_dirs }}" - name: Configure Xorg joystick behaviour ansible.builtin.copy: src: xorg/joystick.conf dest: "{{ item }}/50-joystick.conf" become: true when: display_server == 'x11' loop: "{{ xorg_common_config_dirs }}" - name: List modules we're using ansible.builtin.slurp: src: /proc/modules register: modules when: display_server # Not sure the module will be loaded in early setup stages though - name: Make panfrost use OpenGL 3.3 ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: /etc/environment line: PAN_MESA_DEBUG="gl3" regexp: ^#? ?PAN_MESA_DEBUG= become: true when: display_server and using_panfrost vars: using_panfrost: "{{ 'panfrost' in (modules.content | b64decode) }}" notify: panfrost config changed # Numlock on boot - name: Set numlock on boot ansible.builtin.copy: src: getty.service dest: /etc/systemd/system/getty@.service.d/override.conf become: true notify: - systemd changed when: auto_numlock - name: Unset numlock on boot ansible.builtin.file: path: /etc/systemd/system/getty@.service.d/override.conf state: absent become: true notify: - systemd changed when: not auto_numlock