#!/usr/bin/env python3 import enum import logging import os import signal import subprocess import threading import time import coloredlogs import i3ipc from frobar.notbusy import notBusy coloredlogs.install(level="DEBUG", fmt="%(levelname)s %(message)s") log = logging.getLogger() # TODO Allow deletion of Bar, BarGroup and Section for screen changes # IDEA Use i3 ipc events rather than relying on xrandr or Xlib (less portable # but easier) # TODO Optimize to use write() calls instead of string concatenation (writing # BarGroup strings should be a good compromise) # TODO Use bytes rather than strings # TODO Use default colors of lemonbar sometimes # TODO Adapt bar height with font height # TODO OPTI Static text objects that update its parents if modified # TODO forceSize and changeText are different class BarGroupType(enum.Enum): LEFT = 0 RIGHT = 1 # TODO Middle # MID_LEFT = 2 # MID_RIGHT = 3 class BarStdoutThread(threading.Thread): def run(self) -> None: while Bar.running: handle = Bar.process.stdout.readline().strip() if not len(handle): Bar.stop() if handle not in Bar.actionsH2F: log.error("Unknown action: {}".format(handle)) continue function = Bar.actionsH2F[handle] function() class Bar: """ One bar for each screen """ # Constants FONTS = ["DejaVuSansM Nerd Font"] FONTSIZE = 10 @staticmethod def init() -> None: Bar.running = True Section.init() cmd = ["lemonbar", "-b", "-a", "64"] for font in Bar.FONTS: cmd += ["-f", "{}:size={}".format(font, Bar.FONTSIZE)] Bar.process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) Bar.stdoutThread = BarStdoutThread() Bar.stdoutThread.start() # Debug Bar(0) # Bar(1) @staticmethod def stop() -> None: Bar.running = False Bar.process.kill() # TODO This is not really the best way to do it I guess os.killpg(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM) @staticmethod def run() -> None: Bar.forever() i3 = i3ipc.Connection() def doStop(*args) -> None: Bar.stop() print(88) try: i3.on("ipc_shutdown", doStop) i3.main() except BaseException: print(93) Bar.stop() # Class globals everyone = set() string = "" process = None running = False nextHandle = 0 actionsF2H = dict() actionsH2F = dict() @staticmethod def getFunctionHandle(function): assert callable(function) if function in Bar.actionsF2H.keys(): return Bar.actionsF2H[function] handle = "{:x}".format(Bar.nextHandle).encode() Bar.nextHandle += 1 Bar.actionsF2H[function] = handle Bar.actionsH2F[handle] = function return handle @staticmethod def forever(): Bar.process.wait() Bar.stop() def __init__(self, screen): assert isinstance(screen, int) self.screen = "%{S" + str(screen) + "}" self.groups = dict() for groupType in BarGroupType: group = BarGroup(groupType, self) self.groups[groupType] = group self.childsChanged = False self.everyone.add(self) @staticmethod def addSectionAll(section, group, screens=None): """ .. note:: Add the section before updating it for the first time. """ assert isinstance(section, Section) assert isinstance(group, BarGroupType) # TODO screens selection for bar in Bar.everyone: bar.addSection(section, group=group) def addSection(self, section, group): assert isinstance(section, Section) assert isinstance(group, BarGroupType) self.groups[group].addSection(section) def update(self): if self.childsChanged: self.string = self.screen self.string += self.groups[BarGroupType.LEFT].string self.string += self.groups[BarGroupType.RIGHT].string self.childsChanged = False @staticmethod def updateAll(): if Bar.running: Bar.string = "" for bar in Bar.everyone: bar.update() Bar.string += bar.string # Color for empty sections Bar.string += BarGroup.color(*Section.EMPTY) # print(Bar.string) Bar.process.stdin.write(bytes(Bar.string + "\n", "utf-8")) Bar.process.stdin.flush() class BarGroup: """ One for each group of each bar """ everyone = set() def __init__(self, groupType, parent): assert isinstance(groupType, BarGroupType) assert isinstance(parent, Bar) self.groupType = groupType self.parent = parent self.sections = list() self.string = "" self.parts = [] #: One of the sections that had their theme or visibility changed self.childsThemeChanged = False #: One of the sections that had their text (maybe their size) changed self.childsTextChanged = False BarGroup.everyone.add(self) def addSection(self, section): self.sections.append(section) section.addParent(self) def addSectionAfter(self, sectionRef, section): index = self.sections.index(sectionRef) self.sections.insert(index + 1, section) section.addParent(self) ALIGNS = {BarGroupType.LEFT: "%{l}", BarGroupType.RIGHT: "%{r}"} @staticmethod def fgColor(color): return "%{F" + (color or "-") + "}" @staticmethod def bgColor(color): return "%{B" + (color or "-") + "}" @staticmethod def color(fg, bg): return BarGroup.fgColor(fg) + BarGroup.bgColor(bg) def update(self): if self.childsThemeChanged: parts = [BarGroup.ALIGNS[self.groupType]] secs = [sec for sec in self.sections if sec.visible] lenS = len(secs) for s in range(lenS): sec = secs[s] theme = Section.THEMES[sec.theme] if self.groupType == BarGroupType.LEFT: oSec = secs[s + 1] if s < lenS - 1 else None else: oSec = secs[s - 1] if s > 0 else None oTheme = ( Section.THEMES[oSec.theme] if oSec is not None else Section.EMPTY ) if self.groupType == BarGroupType.LEFT: if s == 0: parts.append(BarGroup.bgColor(theme[1])) parts.append(BarGroup.fgColor(theme[0])) parts.append(sec) if theme == oTheme: parts.append("") else: parts.append(BarGroup.color(theme[1], oTheme[1]) + "") else: if theme is oTheme: parts.append("") else: parts.append(BarGroup.fgColor(theme[1]) + "") parts.append(BarGroup.color(*theme)) parts.append(sec) # TODO OPTI Concatenate successive strings self.parts = parts if self.childsTextChanged or self.childsThemeChanged: self.string = "" for part in self.parts: if isinstance(part, str): self.string += part elif isinstance(part, Section): self.string += part.curText self.parent.childsChanged = True self.childsThemeChanged = False self.childsTextChanged = False @staticmethod def updateAll(): for group in BarGroup.everyone: group.update() Bar.updateAll() class SectionThread(threading.Thread): ANIMATION_START = 0.025 ANIMATION_STOP = 0.001 ANIMATION_EVOLUTION = 0.9 def run(self): while Section.somethingChanged.wait(): notBusy.wait() Section.updateAll() animTime = self.ANIMATION_START frameTime = time.perf_counter() while len(Section.sizeChanging) > 0: frameTime += animTime curTime = time.perf_counter() sleepTime = frameTime - curTime time.sleep(sleepTime if sleepTime > 0 else 0) Section.updateAll() animTime *= self.ANIMATION_EVOLUTION if animTime < self.ANIMATION_STOP: animTime = self.ANIMATION_STOP class Section: # TODO Update all of that to base16 # COLORS = ['#272822', '#383830', '#49483e', '#75715e', '#a59f85', '#f8f8f2', # '#f5f4f1', '#f9f8f5', '#f92672', '#fd971f', '#f4bf75', '#a6e22e', # '#a1efe4', '#66d9ef', '#ae81ff', '#cc6633'] COLORS = [ "#181818", "#AB4642", "#A1B56C", "#F7CA88", "#7CAFC2", "#BA8BAF", "#86C1B9", "#D8D8D8", "#585858", "#AB4642", "#A1B56C", "#F7CA88", "#7CAFC2", "#BA8BAF", "#86C1B9", "#F8F8F8", ] FGCOLOR = "#F8F8F2" BGCOLOR = "#272822" THEMES = list() EMPTY = (FGCOLOR, BGCOLOR) ICON = None PERSISTENT = False #: Sections that do not have their destination size sizeChanging = set() updateThread = SectionThread(daemon=True) somethingChanged = threading.Event() lastChosenTheme = 0 @staticmethod def init(): for t in range(8, 16): Section.THEMES.append((Section.COLORS[0], Section.COLORS[t])) Section.updateThread.start() def __init__(self, theme=None): #: Displayed section #: Note: A section can be empty and displayed! self.visible = False if theme is None: theme = Section.lastChosenTheme Section.lastChosenTheme = (Section.lastChosenTheme + 1) % len( Section.THEMES ) self.theme = theme #: Displayed text self.curText = "" #: Displayed text size self.curSize = 0 #: Destination text self.dstText = Text(" ", Text(), " ") #: Destination size self.dstSize = 0 #: Groups that have this section self.parents = set() self.icon = self.ICON self.persistent = self.PERSISTENT def __str__(self): try: return "<{}><{}>{:01d}{}{:02d}/{:02d}".format( self.curText, self.dstText, self.theme, "+" if self.visible else "-", self.curSize, self.dstSize, ) except: return super().__str__() def addParent(self, parent): self.parents.add(parent) def appendAfter(self, section): assert len(self.parents) for parent in self.parents: parent.addSectionAfter(self, section) def informParentsThemeChanged(self): for parent in self.parents: parent.childsThemeChanged = True def informParentsTextChanged(self): for parent in self.parents: parent.childsTextChanged = True def updateText(self, text): if isinstance(text, str): text = Text(text) elif isinstance(text, Text) and not len(text.elements): text = None self.dstText[0] = ( None if (text is None and not self.persistent) else ((" " + self.icon + " ") if self.icon else " ") ) self.dstText[1] = text self.dstText[2] = ( " " if self.dstText[1] is not None and len(self.dstText[1]) else None ) self.dstSize = len(self.dstText) self.dstText.setSection(self) if self.curSize == self.dstSize: if self.dstSize > 0: self.curText = str(self.dstText) self.informParentsTextChanged() else: Section.sizeChanging.add(self) Section.somethingChanged.set() def setDecorators(self, **kwargs): self.dstText.setDecorators(**kwargs) self.curText = str(self.dstText) self.informParentsTextChanged() Section.somethingChanged.set() def updateTheme(self, theme): assert isinstance(theme, int) assert theme < len(Section.THEMES) if theme == self.theme: return self.theme = theme self.informParentsThemeChanged() Section.somethingChanged.set() def updateVisibility(self, visibility): assert isinstance(visibility, bool) self.visible = visibility self.informParentsThemeChanged() Section.somethingChanged.set() @staticmethod def fit(text, size): t = len(text) return text[:size] if t >= size else text + [" "] * (size - t) def update(self): # TODO Might profit of a better logic if not self.visible: self.updateVisibility(True) return if self.dstSize > self.curSize: self.curSize += 1 elif self.dstSize < self.curSize: self.curSize -= 1 else: # Visibility toggling must be done one step after curSize = 0 if self.dstSize == 0: self.updateVisibility(False) Section.sizeChanging.remove(self) return self.curText = self.dstText.text(size=self.curSize, pad=True) self.informParentsTextChanged() @staticmethod def updateAll(): """ Process all sections for text size changes """ for sizeChanging in Section.sizeChanging.copy(): sizeChanging.update() BarGroup.updateAll() Section.somethingChanged.clear() @staticmethod def ramp(p, ramp=" ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█"): if p > 1: return ramp[-1] elif p < 0: return ramp[0] else: return ramp[round(p * (len(ramp) - 1))] class StatefulSection(Section): # TODO FEAT Allow to temporary expand the section (e.g. when important change) NUMBER_STATES = None DEFAULT_STATE = 0 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Section.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.state = self.DEFAULT_STATE if hasattr(self, "onChangeState"): self.onChangeState(self.state) self.setDecorators( clickLeft=self.incrementState, clickRight=self.decrementState ) def incrementState(self): newState = min(self.state + 1, self.NUMBER_STATES - 1) self.changeState(newState) def decrementState(self): newState = max(self.state - 1, 0) self.changeState(newState) def changeState(self, state): assert isinstance(state, int) assert state < self.NUMBER_STATES self.state = state if hasattr(self, "onChangeState"): self.onChangeState(state) self.refreshData() class ColorCountsSection(StatefulSection): # TODO FEAT Blend colors when not expanded # TODO FEAT Blend colors with importance of count # TODO FEAT Allow icons instead of counts NUMBER_STATES = 3 COLORABLE_ICON = "?" def __init__(self, theme=None): StatefulSection.__init__(self, theme=theme) def fetcher(self): counts = self.subfetcher() # Nothing if not len(counts): return None # Icon colored elif self.state == 0 and len(counts) == 1: count, color = counts[0] return Text(self.COLORABLE_ICON, fg=color) # Icon elif self.state == 0 and len(counts) > 1: return Text(self.COLORABLE_ICON) # Icon + Total elif self.state == 1 and len(counts) > 1: total = sum([count for count, color in counts]) return Text(self.COLORABLE_ICON, " ", total) # Icon + Counts else: text = Text(self.COLORABLE_ICON) for count, color in counts: text.append(" ", Text(count, fg=color)) return text class Text: def _setElements(self, elements): # TODO OPTI Concatenate consecutrive string self.elements = list(elements) def _setDecorators(self, decorators): # TODO OPTI Convert no decorator to strings self.decorators = decorators self.prefix = None self.suffix = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._setElements(args) self._setDecorators(kwargs) self.section = None def append(self, *args): self._setElements(self.elements + list(args)) def prepend(self, *args): self._setElements(list(args) + self.elements) def setElements(self, *args): self._setElements(args) def setDecorators(self, **kwargs): self._setDecorators(kwargs) def setSection(self, section): assert isinstance(section, Section) self.section = section for element in self.elements: if isinstance(element, Text): element.setSection(section) def _genFixs(self): if self.prefix is not None and self.suffix is not None: return self.prefix = "" self.suffix = "" def nest(prefix, suffix): self.prefix = self.prefix + "%{" + prefix + "}" self.suffix = "%{" + suffix + "}" + self.suffix def getColor(val): # TODO Allow themes assert isinstance(val, str) and len(val) == 7 return val def button(number, function): handle = Bar.getFunctionHandle(function) nest("A" + number + ":" + handle.decode() + ":", "A" + number) for key, val in self.decorators.items(): if val is None: continue if key == "fg": reset = self.section.THEMES[self.section.theme][0] nest("F" + getColor(val), "F" + reset) elif key == "bg": reset = self.section.THEMES[self.section.theme][1] nest("B" + getColor(val), "B" + reset) elif key == "clickLeft": button("1", val) elif key == "clickMiddle": button("2", val) elif key == "clickRight": button("3", val) elif key == "scrollUp": button("4", val) elif key == "scrollDown": button("5", val) else: log.warn("Unkown decorator: {}".format(key)) def _text(self, size=None, pad=False): self._genFixs() curString = self.prefix curSize = 0 remSize = size for element in self.elements: if element is None: continue elif isinstance(element, Text): newString, newSize = element._text(size=remSize) else: newString = str(element) if remSize is not None: newString = newString[:remSize] newSize = len(newString) curString += newString curSize += newSize if remSize is not None: remSize -= newSize if remSize <= 0: break curString += self.suffix if pad and remSize > 0: curString += " " * remSize curSize += remSize if size is not None: if pad: assert size == curSize else: assert size >= curSize return curString, curSize def text(self, *args, **kwargs): string, size = self._text(*args, **kwargs) return string def __str__(self): self._genFixs() curString = self.prefix for element in self.elements: if element is None: continue else: curString += str(element) curString += self.suffix return curString def __len__(self): curSize = 0 for element in self.elements: if element is None: continue elif isinstance(element, Text): curSize += len(element) else: curSize += len(str(element)) return curSize def __getitem__(self, index): return self.elements[index] def __setitem__(self, index, data): self.elements[index] = data