{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
  mod = config.xsession.windowManager.i3.config.modifier;
  config = {
    home.packages = with pkgs; [
      (pkgs.writeShellApplication {
        name = "install-passwords";
        runtimeInputs = [ yq gawk moreutils ];
        text = (lib.strings.concatLines (map
          (file: ''
            echo "===== Preparing to write ${file.path}"
            temp="$(mktemp --tmpdir="${builtins.dirOf file.path}")"
            cat "${file.template}" > "$temp"
          '' + (lib.strings.concatLines (map
            (password: (if password.selector == null then ''
              echo "Reading ${password.path} for substituting ${password.variable}"
              value="$(pass "${password.path}" | head -n1)"
            '' else ''
              echo "Reading ${password.path} -> ${password.selector} for substituting ${password.variable}"
              value="$(pass "${password.path}" | tail -n +2 | yq -r '.${password.selector}')"
            '') + ''
              K="$key" V="$value" awk '{ gsub (ENVIRON["K"], ENVIRON["V"]); print }' "$temp" | sponge "$temp"
            (lib.attrsets.attrValues file.passwords))) + ''
            echo "Moving the file in place"
            chown "${file.owner}" "$temp"
            chmod u=r "$temp"
            mv -f "$temp" "${file.path}"
    programs = {
      bash.shellAliases = {
        pw = ''${pkgs.pwgen}/bin/pwgen 32 -y''; # Generate passwords. ln((26*2+10)**32)/ln(2) ≅ 190 bits of entropy
      password-store.enable = true;
    xsession.windowManager.i3.config.keybindings."${mod}+c" = "exec --no-startup-id ${config.programs.rofi.pass.package}/bin/rofi-pass --last-used";
    # TODO Try autopass.cr
  options = {
    frogeye.passwordFiles =
        defaultvar = "@PASSWORD@";
        pwtype = { name, ... }: {
          options = {
            variable = lib.mkOption {
              type = lib.types.str;
              default = name;
              description = "String in the template that will be substituted by the actual password";
            path = lib.mkOption {
              type = lib.types.str;
              description = "Path to the password store entry";
            selector = lib.mkOption {
              type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
              default = null;
              description = "If set, will parse the password metadata as YML and use selector (yq) instead of the password.";
        mainConfig = config;
      lib.mkOption {
        default = [ ];
        type = lib.types.listOf (lib.types.submodule ({ config, ... }: {
          options = {
            path = lib.mkOption {
              type = lib.types.str;
              description = "Where to place the file.";
            owner = lib.mkOption {
              type = lib.types.str;
              default = mainConfig.home.username;
              description = "Who will own the file.";
            template = lib.mkOption {
              type = lib.types.path;
              default = pkgs.writeTextFile {
                name = "pwfile-template";
                text = config.text;
              description = "Path to the template used to make the file. Exclusive with `text`.";
            text = lib.mkOption {
              type = lib.types.str;
              default = defaultvar;
              description = "Content of the template used to make the file. Exclusive with `template`.";
            passwords = lib.mkOption {
              default = lib.optionalAttrs (config.password != null) { ${defaultvar} = config.password; };
              type = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.submodule pwtype);
              description = "Paths to passwords that will substitute the variables in the template. Exclusive with `password`";
            password = lib.mkOption {
              type = lib.types.submodule ({ ... }@args: pwtype (args // { name = defaultvar; }));
              description = "Path to password that will substitute '@PASSWORD@' in the template. Exclusive with `passwords`.";