diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index d5f4826..e72c383 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ Generates a host list of first-party trackers for ad-blocking. +The latest list is available here: + **DISCLAIMER:** I'm by no way an expert on this subject so my vocabulary or other stuff might be wrong. Use at your own risk. ## What's a first-party tracker? @@ -51,6 +53,10 @@ Just to build the list, you can find an already-built list in the releases. ## Usage +This is only if you want to build the list yourself. +If you just want to use the list, the latest build is available here: +It was build using additional sources not included in this repository for privacy reasons. + ### Add personal sources The list of websites provided in this script is by no mean exhaustive, @@ -58,14 +64,16 @@ so adding your own browsing history will help create a better list. Here's reference command for possible sources: - **Pi-hole**: `sqlite3 /etc/pihole-FTL.db "select distinct domain from queries" > /path/to/eulaurarien/subdomains/my-pihole.custom.list` -- **Firefox**: `cp ~/.mozilla/firefox/.default/places.sqlite temp; sqlite3 temp "select distinct rev_host from moz_places" | rev | sed 's|^\.||' > /path/to/eulaurarien/subdomains/my-firefox.custom.list` +- **Firefox**: `cp ~/.mozilla/firefox/.default/places.sqlite temp; sqlite3 temp "select distinct rev_host from moz_places" | rev | sed 's|^\.||' > /path/to/eulaurarien/subdomains/my-firefox.custom.list; rm temp` ### Collect subdomains from websites -This step is optional if you already added personal sources. Just run `collect_subdomain.sh`. This is a long step, and might be memory-intensive from time to time. +This step is optional if you already added personal sources. +Alternatively, you can get just download the list of subdomains used to generate the official block list here: (put it in the `subdomains` folder). + ### Extract tracking domains Make sure your system is configured with a DNS server without limitation. diff --git a/filter_subdomains.sh b/filter_subdomains.sh index 139af0b..bfba482 100755 --- a/filter_subdomains.sh +++ b/filter_subdomains.sh @@ -9,8 +9,18 @@ sort -u temp/all_toblock.list > dist/firstparty-trackers.txt # Format the blocklist so it can be used as a hostlist ( - echo "# First-party trackers" - echo "# List generated on $(date -Isec) by eulaurarien $(git describe --tags --dirty)" + echo "# First-party trackers host list" + echo "#" + echo "# About first-party trackers: https://git.frogeye.fr/geoffrey/eulaurarien#whats-a-first-party-tracker" + echo "# Source code: https://git.frogeye.fr/geoffrey/eulaurarien" + echo "# Latest version of this list: https://hostfiles.frogeye.fr/firstparty-trackers-hosts.txt" + echo "#" + echo "# Generation date: $(date -Isec)" + echo "# Generation version: eulaurarien $(git describe --tags --dirty)" + echo "# Number of source websites: $(wc -l temp/all_websites.list | cut -d' ' -f1)" + echo "# Number of source subdomains: $(wc -l temp/all_subdomains.list | cut -d' ' -f1)" + echo "# Number of blocked subdomains: $(wc -l dist/firstparty-trackers.txt | cut -d' ' -f1)" + echo cat dist/firstparty-trackers.txt | while read host; do echo " $host"