#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Utility functions to interact with the database. """ import typing import time import logging import coloredlogs import pickle import enum coloredlogs.install( level='DEBUG', fmt='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s' ) Asn = int Timestamp = int Level = int class Path(): pass class RulePath(Path): pass class DomainPath(Path): def __init__(self, path: typing.List[str]): self.path = path class HostnamePath(DomainPath): pass class ZonePath(DomainPath): pass class AsnPath(Path): def __init__(self, asn: Asn): self.asn = asn class Ip4Path(Path): def __init__(self, value: int, prefixlen: int): self.value = value self.prefixlen = prefixlen Match = typing.Tuple[Timestamp, Path, Level] # class AsnNode(): # def __init__(self, asn: int) -> None: # self.asn = asn class DomainTreeNode(): def __init__(self) -> None: self.children: typing.Dict[str, DomainTreeNode] = dict() self.match_zone: typing.Optional[Match] = None self.match_hostname: typing.Optional[Match] = None class IpTreeNode(): def __init__(self) -> None: self.children: typing.List[typing.Optional[IpTreeNode]] = [None, None] self.match: typing.Optional[Match] = None Node = typing.Union[DomainTreeNode, IpTreeNode, Asn] NodeCallable = typing.Callable[[Path, Node, typing.Optional[typing.Any]], typing.Any] class Profiler(): def __init__(self) -> None: self.log = logging.getLogger('profiler') self.time_last = time.perf_counter() self.time_step = 'init' self.time_dict: typing.Dict[str, float] = dict() self.step_dict: typing.Dict[str, int] = dict() def enter_step(self, name: str) -> None: return now = time.perf_counter() try: self.time_dict[self.time_step] += now - self.time_last self.step_dict[self.time_step] += int(name != self.time_step) except KeyError: self.time_dict[self.time_step] = now - self.time_last self.step_dict[self.time_step] = 1 self.time_step = name self.time_last = time.perf_counter() def profile(self) -> None: self.enter_step('profile') total = sum(self.time_dict.values()) for key, secs in sorted(self.time_dict.items(), key=lambda t: t[1]): times = self.step_dict[key] self.log.debug(f"{key:<20}: {times:9d} × {secs/times:5.3e} " f"= {secs:9.2f} s ({secs/total:7.2%}) ") self.log.debug(f"{'total':<20}: " f"{total:9.2f} s ({1:7.2%})") class Database(Profiler): VERSION = 9 PATH = "blocking.p" def initialize(self) -> None: self.log.warning( "Creating database version: %d ", Database.VERSION) self.domtree = DomainTreeNode() self.asns: typing.Set[Asn] = set() self.ip4tree = IpTreeNode() def load(self) -> None: self.enter_step('load') try: with open(self.PATH, 'rb') as db_fdsec: version, data = pickle.load(db_fdsec) if version == Database.VERSION: self.domtree, self.asns, self.ip4tree = data return self.log.warning( "Outdated database version found: %d, " "will be rebuilt.", version) except (TypeError, AttributeError, EOFError): self.log.error( "Corrupt database found, " "will be rebuilt.") except FileNotFoundError: pass self.initialize() def save(self) -> None: self.enter_step('save') with open(self.PATH, 'wb') as db_fdsec: data = self.domtree, self.asns, self.ip4tree pickle.dump((self.VERSION, data), db_fdsec) self.profile() def __init__(self) -> None: Profiler.__init__(self) self.log = logging.getLogger('db') self.load() @staticmethod def pack_domain(domain: str) -> DomainPath: return DomainPath(domain.split('.')[::-1]) @staticmethod def unpack_domain(domain: DomainPath) -> str: return '.'.join(domain.path[::-1]) @staticmethod def pack_asn(asn: str) -> AsnPath: asn = asn.upper() if asn.startswith('AS'): asn = asn[2:] return AsnPath(int(asn)) @staticmethod def unpack_asn(asn: AsnPath) -> str: return f'AS{asn.asn}' @staticmethod def pack_ip4address(address: str) -> Ip4Path: addr = 0 for split in address.split('.'): addr = (addr << 8) + int(split) return Ip4Path(addr, 32) @staticmethod def unpack_ip4address(address: Ip4Path) -> str: addr = address.value assert address.prefixlen == 32 octets: typing.List[int] = list() octets = [0] * 4 for o in reversed(range(4)): octets[o] = addr & 0xFF addr >>= 8 return '.'.join(map(str, octets)) @staticmethod def pack_ip4network(network: str) -> Ip4Path: address, prefixlen_str = network.split('/') prefixlen = int(prefixlen_str) addr = Database.pack_ip4address(address) addr.prefixlen = prefixlen return addr @staticmethod def unpack_ip4network(network: Ip4Path) -> str: addr = network.value octets: typing.List[int] = list() octets = [0] * 4 for o in reversed(range(4)): octets[o] = addr & 0xFF addr >>= 8 return '.'.join(map(str, octets)) + '/' + str(network.prefixlen) def exec_each_domain(self, callback: NodeCallable, arg: typing.Any = None, _dic: DomainTreeNode = None, _par: DomainPath = None, ) -> typing.Any: _dic = _dic or self.domtree _par = _par or DomainPath([]) yield from callback(_par, _dic, arg) for part in _dic.children: dic = _dic.children[part] yield from self.exec_each_domain( callback, arg, _dic=dic, _par=DomainPath(_par.path + [part]) ) def exec_each_ip4(self, callback: NodeCallable, arg: typing.Any = None, _dic: IpTreeNode = None, _par: Ip4Path = None, ) -> typing.Any: _dic = _dic or self.ip4tree _par = _par or Ip4Path(0, 0) callback(_par, _dic, arg) # 0 dic = _dic.children[0] if dic: addr0 = _par.value & (0xFFFFFFFF ^ (1 << (32-_par.prefixlen))) assert addr0 == _par.value yield from self.exec_each_ip4( callback, arg, _dic=dic, _par=Ip4Path(addr0, _par.prefixlen+1) ) # 1 dic = _dic.children[1] if dic: addr1 = _par.value | (1 << (32-_par.prefixlen)) yield from self.exec_each_ip4( callback, arg, _dic=dic, _par=Ip4Path(addr1, _par.prefixlen+1) ) def exec_each(self, callback: NodeCallable, arg: typing.Any = None, ) -> typing.Any: yield from self.exec_each_domain(callback) yield from self.exec_each_ip4(callback) def update_references(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def prune(self, before: int, base_only: bool = False) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def explain(self, entry: int) -> str: raise NotImplementedError def export(self, first_party_only: bool = False, end_chain_only: bool = False, explain: bool = False, ) -> typing.Iterable[str]: if first_party_only or end_chain_only or explain: raise NotImplementedError def export_cb(path: Path, node: Node, _: typing.Any ) -> typing.Iterable[str]: assert isinstance(path, DomainPath) assert isinstance(node, DomainTreeNode) if node.match_hostname: a = self.unpack_domain(path) yield a yield from self.exec_each_domain(export_cb, None) def count_rules(self, first_party_only: bool = False, ) -> str: raise NotImplementedError def get_domain(self, domain_str: str) -> typing.Iterable[DomainPath]: self.enter_step('get_domain_pack') domain = self.pack_domain(domain_str) self.enter_step('get_domain_brws') dic = self.domtree depth = 0 for part in domain.path: if dic.match_zone: self.enter_step('get_domain_yield') yield ZonePath(domain.path[:depth]) self.enter_step('get_domain_brws') if part not in dic.children: return dic = dic.children[part] depth += 1 if dic.match_zone: self.enter_step('get_domain_yield') yield ZonePath(domain.path) if dic.match_hostname: self.enter_step('get_domain_yield') yield HostnamePath(domain.path) def get_ip4(self, ip4_str: str) -> typing.Iterable[Path]: self.enter_step('get_ip4_pack') ip4 = self.pack_ip4address(ip4_str) self.enter_step('get_ip4_brws') dic = self.ip4tree for i in reversed(range(ip4.prefixlen)): part = (ip4.value >> i) & 0b1 if dic.match: self.enter_step('get_ip4_yield') yield Ip4Path(ip4.value, 32-i) self.enter_step('get_ip4_brws') next_dic = dic.children[part] if next_dic is None: return dic = next_dic if dic.match: self.enter_step('get_ip4_yield') yield ip4 def list_asn(self) -> typing.Iterable[AsnPath]: for asn in self.asns: yield AsnPath(asn) def set_hostname(self, hostname_str: str, updated: int, is_first_party: bool = None, source: Path = None) -> None: self.enter_step('set_hostname_pack') if is_first_party: raise NotImplementedError self.enter_step('set_hostname_brws') hostname = self.pack_domain(hostname_str) dic = self.domtree for part in hostname.path: if dic.match_zone: # Refuse to add hostname whose zone is already matching return if part not in dic.children: dic.children[part] = DomainTreeNode() dic = dic.children[part] dic.match_hostname = (updated, source or RulePath(), 0) def set_zone(self, zone_str: str, updated: int, is_first_party: bool = None, source: Path = None) -> None: self.enter_step('set_zone_pack') if is_first_party: raise NotImplementedError zone = self.pack_domain(zone_str) self.enter_step('set_zone_brws') dic = self.domtree for part in zone.path: if dic.match_zone: # Refuse to add zone whose parent zone is already matching return if part not in dic.children: dic.children[part] = DomainTreeNode() dic = dic.children[part] dic.match_zone = (updated, source or RulePath(), 0) def set_asn(self, asn_str: str, updated: int, is_first_party: bool = None, source: Path = None) -> None: self.enter_step('set_asn_pack') if is_first_party or source: # TODO updated raise NotImplementedError asn = self.pack_asn(asn_str) self.enter_step('set_asn_brws') self.asns.add(asn.asn) def _set_ip4(self, ip4: Ip4Path, updated: int, is_first_party: bool = None, source: Path = None) -> None: if is_first_party: raise NotImplementedError dic = self.ip4tree for i in reversed(range(ip4.prefixlen)): part = (ip4.value >> i) & 0b1 if dic.match: # Refuse to add ip4* whose network is already matching return next_dic = dic.children[part] if next_dic is None: next_dic = IpTreeNode() dic.children[part] = next_dic dic = next_dic dic.match = (updated, source or RulePath(), 0) def set_ip4address(self, ip4address_str: str, *args: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any ) -> None: self.enter_step('set_ip4add_pack') ip4 = self.pack_ip4address(ip4address_str) self.enter_step('set_ip4add_brws') self._set_ip4(ip4, *args, **kwargs) def set_ip4network(self, ip4network_str: str, *args: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any ) -> None: self.enter_step('set_ip4net_pack') ip4 = self.pack_ip4network(ip4network_str) self.enter_step('set_ip4net_brws') self._set_ip4(ip4, *args, **kwargs)