Geoffrey Frogeye 5023b85d7c
Added intermediate representation for DNS datasets
It's just CSV.
The DNS from the datasets are not ordered consistently,
so we need to parse it completly.
It seems that converting to an IR before sending data to ./
through a pipe is faster than decoding the JSON in ./
This will also reduce the storage of the resolved subdomains by
about 15% (compressed).
2019-12-13 21:59:35 +01:00

23 lines
468 B
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env bash
function log() {
echo -e "\033[33m$@\033[0m"
# TODO Fetch 'em
log "Reading PTR records…"
pv ptr.json.gz | gunzip | ./ | ./
log "Reading A records…"
pv a.json.gz | gunzip | ./ | ./
log "Reading CNAME records…"
pv cname.json.gz | gunzip | ./ | ./
log "Pruning old data…"
./ --prune