CASES_COTE = 8 class LogiqueEchecs: # grille = None # joueur = True def __init__(self): self.grille = [] self.cGrille() self.remplirGrille() self.joueur = True self.nvPartie() @staticmethod def eNoir(xD, yD): # TODO Peut être considérablement amélioré i = 1 for x in range(0, CASES_COTE): i += 1 for y in range(0, CASES_COTE): i += 1 if x == xD and y == yD: return i % 2 def cGrille(self): for x in range(CASES_COTE): colonne = [] for y in range(CASES_COTE): colonne.append(0) self.grille.append(colonne) def remplirGrille(self): speciales = [2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2] for i in range(0, 8): self.grille[i][0] = speciales[i] + 10 self.grille[i][1] = 11 self.grille[i][6] = 1 self.grille[i][7] = speciales[i] def nvPartie(self): self.cGrille() self.remplirGrille() self.joueur = True def cPion(self, x, y, piece): """ """ self.grille[x][y] = piece return True def mvtPossible(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): pion = self.grille[x1][y1] if (pion >= 10 and self.joueur == False) or \ (pion < 10 and self.joueur == True): if pion > 0 and self.grille[x2][y2] <= 0: tPion = pion % 10 if tPion == 1: if x1 == x2: if self.joueur: if y2 == y1 - 1: return True else: return -4 else: if y2 == y1 + 1: return True else: return -4 else: return -4 elif tPion == 6: if x2 <= x1 + 1 and x2 >= x1 - 1 and y2 <= y1 + 1 and y2 >= y1 - 1 \ and (x1 != x2 or y1 != y2): return True else: return -4 else: return -3 return True else: return -2 else: return -1 def dPion(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): test = self.mvtPossible(x1, y1, x2, y2) if test == True: self.grille[x2][y2] = self.grille[x1][y1] self.grille[x1][y1] = 0 # self.joueur = not self.joueur # DEBUG return True else: return test # GUI from tkinter import * DECX = 0 DECY = 0 COTE_CASE = 50 MARGE_PIONS = 5 TEMPS_ANIM = 200 INTER_ANIM = 10 class PlateauTk: def __init__(self): self.fen = None self.can = None self.chaine = None self.grilleDamier = [] self.imagesOriginales = [] self.imagesRedim = [] = [] self.grillePions = [] self.animations = [] self.dEtape = True self.dx1 = -1 self.dy1 = -1 self.dx2 = -1 self.dy2 = -1 self.logique = LogiqueEchecs() self.creerFen() self.importerImages() self.redimImages() self.cDamier() self.cGrille() self.remplirGrille(self.logique.grille) def creerFen(self): self.fen = Tk() self.fen.title("Jeu d'Échecs") self.can = Canvas(self.fen, width=COTE_CASE * CASES_COTE, height=COTE_CASE * CASES_COTE, bg="ivory") self.can.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=3) self.can.bind('', self.clic) self.chaine = Label(self.fen, text="Aux blancs") self.chaine.grid(row=2, column=2, padx=3, pady=3) # Button(self.fen, text="Nv. Partie", command=f_nvPartie).grid(row=2, \ # column=1, padx=3, pady=3) Button(self.fen, text="Quitter", command=self.fen.destroy).grid(row=2, column=3, padx=3, pady=3) def statut(self, texte, delai=0): self.chaine.config(text=texte) # TODO Timeout effacer si parametre / Liste def importerImages(self): for piece in range(0, 21): nom = 'sprites/' if piece % 10 == 1: nom += 'pion' elif piece % 10 == 2: nom += 'tour' elif piece % 10 == 3: nom += 'cavalier' elif piece % 10 == 4: nom += 'fou' elif piece % 10 == 5: nom += 'dame' elif piece % 10 == 6: nom += 'roi' else: self.imagesOriginales.append('') continue if piece < 10: nom += 'B' else: nom += 'N' nom += '.gif' self.imagesOriginales.append(PhotoImage(file=nom)) def redimImages(self): sample = int(504 / (COTE_CASE - MARGE_PIONS)) for piece in range(0, 21): if self.imagesOriginales[piece] != '': self.imagesRedim.append(self.imagesOriginales[piece]. subsample(sample)) else: self.imagesRedim.append('') # Dessin def cCase(self, x, y): if LogiqueEchecs.eNoir(x, y): couleur = '#D18B47' else: couleur = '#FFCE9E' return self.can.create_rectangle(x * COTE_CASE, y * COTE_CASE, (x + 1) * COTE_CASE, (y + 1) * COTE_CASE, fill=couleur) def cDamier(self): self.grilleDamier = [] for x in range(0, CASES_COTE): colonne = [] for y in range(0, CASES_COTE): colonne.append(self.cCase(x + DECX, y + DECY)) self.grilleDamier.append(colonne) def cPion(self, x, y, piece): if piece > 0: self.grillePions[x][y] = self.can.create_image((x + .5) * COTE_CASE, (y + .5) * COTE_CASE, image=self.imagesRedim[piece]) else: self.grillePions[x][y] = False def cGrille(self): self.grillePions = [] for x in range(0, CASES_COTE): # Crée self.grillePions colonne = [] for y in range(0, CASES_COTE): colonne.append(False) self.grillePions.append(colonne) def remplirGrille(self, j_grilleF): for x in range(0, CASES_COTE): # Remplis self.grillePions for y in range(0, CASES_COTE): self.cPion(x, y, j_grilleF[x][y]) # Interaction def statutPrendre(self): if self.logique.joueur: joueur = 'blancs' else: joueur = 'noirs' self.statut('Prendre (' + joueur + ')') @staticmethod def dPionAnimCoords(i): x = i['x1'] + (i['x2']-i['x1']) * (i['avancement']/i['total']) y = i['y1'] + (i['y2']-i['y1']) * (i['avancement']/i['total']) return [x, y] def dPionAnim(self): animationsNv = [] for i in self.animations: if i['avancement'] < i['total']: coords = self.dPionAnimCoords(i) self.can.coords(i['pion'], coords[0], coords[1]) i['avancement'] += INTER_ANIM animationsNv.append(i) else: self.can.coords(i['pion'], i['x2'], i['y2']) self.animations = animationsNv if len(animationsNv): self.fen.after(INTER_ANIM, self.dPionAnim) def cdPionAnim(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, pion): animation = { 'x1': x1, 'y1': y1, 'x2': x2, 'y2': y2, 'pion': pion, 'total': TEMPS_ANIM, 'avancement': 0 } if not len(self.animations): self.animations.append(animation) self.dPionAnim() else: for i in self.animations: if i['pion'] == pion: # Si une animation pour ce pion existe # déjà, on la reprend et on la modifie coords = self.dPionAnimCoords(i) i['x1'] = coords[0] i['y1'] = coords[1] i['x2'] = x2 i['y2'] = y2 # i['total'] = i['total'] - i['avancement'] i['total'] = TEMPS_ANIM i['avancement'] = 0 return self.animations.append(animation) def dPion(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): test = self.logique.dPion(x1, y1, x2, y2) if test == True: self.grillePions[x2][y2], self.grillePions[x1][y1] = \ self.grillePions[x1][y1], False self.cdPionAnim((x1 + .5) * COTE_CASE, (y1 + .5) * COTE_CASE, \ (x2 + .5) * COTE_CASE, (y2 + .5) * COTE_CASE, \ self.grillePions[x2][y2]) return True else: # TODO Messages corrects self.statut('Impossible ! (' + str(test) + ')') return False def dClic(self, x, y): # if not len(self.animations): if self.dEtape: self.dx1, self.dy1 = x, y # TODO Colorer case self.statut('Poser') else: self.dx2, self.dy2 = x, y self.dPion(self.dx1, self.dy1, self.dx2, self.dy2) self.statutPrendre() self.dEtape = not self.dEtape def clic(self, event): x = event.x // COTE_CASE y = event.y // COTE_CASE self.dClic(x, y) p = PlateauTk() # TODO Un jeu (canvas) et un frontend (fenetre)