/* * trees.h * * * From a code of Bernard Carre * */ #include #include #include typedef struct node { int val; struct node *left; struct node *right; }Node, *PtNode, *Tree; /*Construct a new tree from a value for the root node, a given left tree and a given right tree*/ Tree cons(int , Tree , Tree ); // make an empty tree Tree mkEmptyTree(); /*Is the given tree empty ?*/ bool isEmpty (Tree); /*Is the given tree a leaf ?*/ bool isLeaf (Tree); /*Add a given integer in a binary search tree*/ // do not verify the presence of x. void add(Tree *, int); /*Print the values of the tree in ascendant order*/ void print_lvr (Tree); /* build a tree adding values of the file */ void load_tree(FILE *, Tree *); void print_rec_edges(Tree t); /*PART 2*/ void generate_dot (Tree , FILE *);