
186 lines
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2019-10-23 22:09:50 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# pylint: disable=C0103,W0621
# pip install tmdbv3api
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import typing
import tmdbv3api
# TODO Override files without warning
# TODO Dry run mode (just comment the last line ^^)
# Typing
Episode = typing.Any # TODO
# Constants
VIDEO_EXTENSIONS = {'mp4', 'mkv', 'avi', 'webm'}
# Functions
def get_pass_data(path: str) -> typing.Dict[str, str]:
Returns the data stored in the Unix password manager
given its path.
run =['pass', path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)
lines = run.stdout.decode().split('\n')
data = dict()
data['pass'] = lines[0]
for line in lines[1:]:
match = re.match(r'(\w+): ?(.+)', line)
if match:
data[match[1]] = match[2]
return data
def confirm(text: str) -> bool:
res = input(text + " [yn] ")
while res not in ('y', 'n'):
res = input("Please answer with y or n: ")
return res == 'y'
def episode_identifier(episode: typing.Any) -> str:
return f"S{episode['season_number']:02d}E" + \
f"{episode['episode_number']:02d} {episode['name']}"
dryrun = '-n' in sys.argv
if dryrun:
dryrun = True
# Connecting to TMBDB
tmdb = tmdbv3api.TMDb()
tmdb.api_key = get_pass_data(API_KEY_PASS_PATH)['api']
tmdb.language = sys.argv[1]
# Searching the TV show name (by current directory name)
tv = tmdbv3api.TV()
season = tmdbv3api.Season()
if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
show_name = sys.argv[2]
show_name = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(os.path.curdir))[1]
search =
# Asking the user to select the one
show = None
for res in search:
print(f"#{} {} ({res.first_air_date[:4]}): {res.overview}")
if confirm("Is this the show for this folder?"):
show = tv.details(
if not show:
print("Could not find a matching " +
f"show on TheMovieDatabase for {show_name}.")
# Retrieving all the episode of the show
episodes: typing.List[Episode] = list()
print(f"List of episodes for {}:")
for season_number in range(0, show.number_of_seasons+1):
season_details = season.details(, season_number)
except AttributeError:
for episode in season_details.episodes:
print(f"- {episode_identifier(episode)}")
# Finding movie files in the folder
print("List of video files in this folder")
videos: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str]] = list()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.curdir):
for filename in files:
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
real_ext = ext[1:].lower()
if real_ext not in VIDEO_EXTENSIONS:
videos.append((root, filename))
print(f"- {filename}")
def get_episode(season_number: int, episode_number: int
) -> typing.Optional[Episode]:
# TODO Make more efficient using indexing
for episode in episodes:
if episode['season_number'] == season_number \
and episode['episode_number'] == episode_number:
return episode
return None
# Matching movie files to episode
associations: typing.List[typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[str,
str], Episode]] = list()
for video in videos:
root, filename = video
match ='S(\d+)E(\d+)', filename)
print(f"Treating file: {root}/{filename}")
episode = None
season_number = 0
episode_number = 0
while not episode:
if match:
season_number = int(match[1])
episode_number = int(match[2])
season_number = int(input("Season number ?"))
episode_number = int(input("Episode number ?"))
except ValueError:
if season_number < 0 and episode_number < 0:
match = None
episode = get_episode(season_number, episode_number)
if not episode:
f" could not find episode S{season_number:02d}E{episode_number:02d} in TMBD")
# Skip
if not episode:
if season_number < -1 and episode_number < -1:
# Skip all
# Skip one
associations.append((video, episode))
print(f" associated to: {episode_identifier(episode)}")
# Rename video files
for association in associations:
video, episode = association
root, filename = video
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
new_name = f"{} ({show.first_air_date[:4]}) {episode_identifier(episode)}"
# Rename all file with the same base name as the original file so we
# can rename nfo files and subtitles (only one though)
for a_filename in os.listdir(root):
a_basename, a_ext = os.path.splitext(a_filename)
if a_basename == basename:
old_path = os.path.join(root, a_filename)
new_path = os.path.join(root, new_name + a_ext)
print(old_path, "->", new_path)
if not dryrun:
os.rename(old_path, new_path)