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2018-08-13 10:20:09 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Meh mail client conf generator for other things
import configparser
import os
import sys
# TODO Find config file from XDG
# TODO Alias adresses
# TODO Signature file
# TODO Write ~/.mail/[mailbox]/color file if required by sth?
# Certificate file
configPath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config', 'mel.conf')
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
"imap": {"port": 143, "starttls": True},
"smtp": {"port": 587, "starttls": True},
SERVER_ITEMS = {"host", "port", "user", "pass", "starttls"}
# Reading sections
accounts = dict()
for name in config.sections():
if not name.islower():
section = config[name]
data = dict()
for server in SERVER_DEFAULTS.keys():
for item in SERVER_ITEMS:
key = server + item
val = section.get(key) or section.get(item) or SERVER_DEFAULTS[server][item]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("{}.{}".format(name, key))
if isinstance(val, str):
if val == "True":
val = True
elif val == "False":
val = False
elif val.isnumeric():
val = int(val)
data[key] = val
for key in section.keys():
if key in SERVER_ITEMS:
data[key] = section[key]
data["name"] = name
data["storage"] = os.path.join(config['GLOBAL']['storage'], name)
data["storageInbox"] = os.path.join(data["storage"], "INBOX")
storageFull = os.path.expanduser(data["storage"])
os.makedirs(storageFull, exist_ok=True)
accounts[name] = data
# OfflineIMAP
OFFLINEIMAP_BEGIN = """[general]
# List of accounts to be synced, separated by a comma.
accounts = {}
maxsyncaccounts = {}
stocktimeout = 60
pythonfile = ~/.config/
enabled = yes
filename = ~/.mutt/mailboxes
header = "mailboxes "
peritem = "+%(accountname)s/%(foldername)s"
sep = " "
footer = "\\n"
OFFLINEIMAP_ACCOUNT = """[Account {name}]
localrepository = {name}-local
remoterepository = {name}-remote
autorefresh = 0.5
quick = 10
utf8foldernames = yes
postsynchook = ~/.mutt/postsync
[Repository {name}-local]
type = Maildir
localfolders = {storage}
[Repository {name}-remote]
type = IMAP
keepalive = 60
holdconnectionopen = yes
remotehost = {imaphost}
remoteport = {imapport}
remoteuser = {imapuser}
remotepass = {imappass}
offlineIMAPstr = OFFLINEIMAP_BEGIN.format(','.join(accounts), len(accounts))
for name, account in accounts.items():
if account["imapstarttls"]:
secconf = "ssl = no"
secconf = "sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
offlineIMAPstr += OFFLINEIMAP_ACCOUNT.format(**account, secconf=secconf)
# TODO Write
# mbsync
MBSYNC_ACCOUNT = """IMAPAccount {name}
Host {imaphost}
User {imapuser}
Pass "{imappass}"
IMAPStore {name}-remote
Account {name}
MaildirStore {name}-local
Subfolders Verbatim
Path {storage}/
Inbox {storageInbox}/
Channel {name}
Master :{name}-remote:
Slave :{name}-local:
Patterns *
Create Both
SyncState *
mbsyncStr = ""
for name, account in accounts.items():
if account["imapstarttls"]:
secconf = "SSLType STARTTLS"
secconf = "SSLType IMAPS"
mbsyncStr += MBSYNC_ACCOUNT.format(**account, secconf=secconf)
msbsyncFilepath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.mbsyncrc')
with open(msbsyncFilepath, 'w') as f:
# msmtp
MSMTP_BEGIN = """defaults
protocol smtp
auth on
tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
MSMTP_ACCOUNT = """account {name}
from {from}
user {smtpuser}
password {smtppass}
host {smtphost}
port {smtpport}
tls on
msmtpStr = MSMTP_BEGIN
for name, account in accounts.items():
msmtpStr += MSMTP_ACCOUNT.format(**account)
msbsyncFilepath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.msmtprc')
with open(msbsyncFilepath, 'w') as f: