terminal: Split out
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ in
config = lib.mkIf config.frogeye.desktop.xorg {
xsession = {
@ -32,81 +33,10 @@ in
programs = {
# Terminal
alacritty = {
# TODO Emojis. Or maybe they work on NixOS?
# Arch (working) shows this with alacritty -vvv:
# [TRACE] [crossfont] Got font path="/usr/share/fonts/twemoji/twemoji.ttf", index=0
# [DEBUG] [crossfont] Loaded Face Face { ft_face: Font Face: Regular, load_flags: MONOCHROME | TARGET_MONO | COLOR, render_mode: "Mono", lcd_filter: 1 }
# Nix (not working) shows this:
# [TRACE] [crossfont] Got font path="/nix/store/872g3w9vcr5nh93r0m83a3yzmpvd2qrj-home-manager-path/share/fonts/truetype/TwitterColorEmoji-SVGinOT.ttf", index=0
# [DEBUG] [crossfont] Loaded Face Face { ft_face: Font Face: Regular, load_flags: TARGET_LIGHT | COLOR, render_mode: "Lcd", lcd_filter: 1 }
enable = true;
settings = {
bell = {
animation = "EaseOutExpo";
color = "#000000";
command = { program = "${pkgs.sox}/bin/play"; args = [ "-n" "synth" "sine" "C5" "sine" "E4" "remix" "1-2" "fade" "0.1" "0.2" "0.1" ]; };
duration = 100;
cursor = { vi_mode_style = "Underline"; };
env = {
# Prevents Alacritty from resizing from one monitor to another.
# Might cause issue on HiDPI screens but we'll get there when we get there
hints = {
enabled = [
binding = { mods = "Control|Alt"; key = "F"; };
command = "${pkgs.xdg-utils}/bin/xdg-open";
mouse = { enabled = true; mods = "Control"; };
post_processing = true;
regex = "(mailto:|gemini:|gopher:|https:|http:|news:|file:|git:|ssh:|ftp:)[^\\u0000-\\u001F\\u007F-\\u009F<>\"\\\\s{-}\\\\^⟨⟩`]+";
key_bindings = [
{ mode = "~Search"; mods = "Alt|Control"; key = "Space"; action = "ToggleViMode"; }
{ mode = "Vi|~Search"; mods = "Control"; key = "K"; action = "ScrollHalfPageUp"; }
{ mode = "Vi|~Search"; mods = "Control"; key = "J"; action = "ScrollHalfPageDown"; }
{ mode = "~Vi"; mods = "Control|Alt"; key = "V"; action = "Paste"; }
{ mods = "Control|Alt"; key = "C"; action = "Copy"; }
{ mode = "~Search"; mods = "Control|Alt"; key = "F"; action = "SearchForward"; }
{ mode = "~Search"; mods = "Control|Alt"; key = "B"; action = "SearchBackward"; }
{ mode = "Vi|~Search"; mods = "Control|Alt"; key = "C"; action = "ClearSelection"; }
window = {
dynamic_padding = false;
dynamic_title = true;
bash.shellAliases = {
x = "startx ${config.home.homeDirectory}/${config.xsession.scriptPath}; logout";
lmms = "lmms --config ${config.xdg.configHome}/lmmsrc.xml";
# Backup terminal
urxvt = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.rxvt-unicode-emoji;
scroll = {
bar.enable = false;
iso14755 = false; # Disable Ctrl+Shift default bindings
keybindings = {
"Shift-Control-C" = "eval:selection_to_clipboard";
"Shift-Control-V" = "eval:paste_clipboard";
# TODO Not sure resizing works, Nix doesn't have the package (urxvt-resize-font-git on Arch)
"Control-KP_Subtract" = "resize-font:smaller";
"Control-KP_Add" = "resize-font:bigger";
extraConfig = {
"letterSpace" = 0;
"perl-ext-common" = "resize-font,bell-command,readline,selection";
"bell-command" = "${pkgs.sox}/bin/play -n synth sine C5 sine E4 remix 1-2 fade 0.1 0.2 0.1 &> /dev/null";
rofi = {
# TODO This theme template, that was used for Arch, looks much better:
# https://gitlab.com/jordiorlando/base16-rofi/-/blob/master/templates/default.mustache
@ -152,15 +82,6 @@ in
templates = null;
videos = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/Vidéos";
configFile = {
"rofimoji.rc" = {
text = ''
skin-tone = neutral
files = [emojis, math]
action = clipboard
services = {
blueman-applet.enable = true;
@ -225,9 +146,6 @@ in
# browsers
# fonts
@ -236,19 +154,16 @@ in
# x11-exclusive
# TODO Make this clean. Service?
# organisation
sessionVariables = {
RXVT_SOCKET = "${config.xdg.stateHome}/urxvtd"; # Used to want -$HOME suffix, hopefullt this isn't needed
# XAUTHORITY = "${config.xdg.configHome}/Xauthority"; # Disabled as this causes lock-ups with DMs
@ -39,6 +39,15 @@ in
config = lib.mkIf config.xsession.windowManager.i3.enable {
stylix.targets.i3.enable = false;
xdg.configFile = {
"rofimoji.rc" = {
text = ''
skin-tone = neutral
files = [emojis, math]
action = clipboard
xsession.windowManager.i3.config = {
modifier = "Mod4";
fonts = {
@ -72,12 +81,6 @@ in
"${mod}+d" = "${rofi} -modi run -show run";
"${mod}+Shift+d" = "${rofi} -modi drun -show drun";
# Start Applications
"${mod}+Return" = "exec ${
pkgs.writeShellScript "terminal" "${config.programs.alacritty.package}/bin/alacritty msg create-window -e zsh || exec ${config.programs.alacritty.package}/bin/alacritty -e zsh"
# -e zsh is for systems where I can't configure my user's shell
# TODO Is a shell script even required?
"${mod}+Shift+Return" = "exec ${config.programs.urxvt.package}/bin/urxvt";
"${mod}+p" = "exec ${pkgs.xfce.thunar}/bin/thunar";
# Misc
"${mod}+F10" = "exec ${ pkgs.writeShellScript "show-keyboard-layout"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
mod = config.xsession.windowManager.i3.config.modifier;
config = lib.mkIf config.frogeye.desktop.xorg {
home.sessionVariables = {
RXVT_SOCKET = "${config.xdg.stateHome}/urxvtd";
# We don't use urxvt deamon mode as we use it as a backup, but just in case, this helps keep it out of the home directory.
programs = {
alacritty = {
# TODO Emojis
# Arch (working) shows this with alacritty -vvv:
# [TRACE] [crossfont] Got font path="/usr/share/fonts/twemoji/twemoji.ttf", index=0
# [DEBUG] [crossfont] Loaded Face Face { ft_face: Font Face: Regular, load_flags: MONOCHROME | TARGET_MONO | COLOR, render_mode: "Mono", lcd_filter: 1 }
# Nix (not working) shows this:
# [TRACE] [crossfont] Got font path="/nix/store/872g3w9vcr5nh93r0m83a3yzmpvd2qrj-home-manager-path/share/fonts/truetype/TwitterColorEmoji-SVGinOT.ttf", index=0
# [DEBUG] [crossfont] Loaded Face Face { ft_face: Font Face: Regular, load_flags: TARGET_LIGHT | COLOR, render_mode: "Lcd", lcd_filter: 1 }
enable = true;
settings = {
bell = {
animation = "EaseOutExpo";
color = "#000000";
command = { program = "${pkgs.sox}/bin/play"; args = [ "-n" "synth" "sine" "C5" "sine" "E4" "remix" "1-2" "fade" "0.1" "0.2" "0.1" ]; };
duration = 100;
cursor = { vi_mode_style = "Underline"; };
env = {
# Prevents Alacritty from resizing from one monitor to another.
# Might cause issue on HiDPI screens but we'll get there when we get there
hints = {
enabled = [
binding = { mods = "Control|Alt"; key = "F"; };
command = "${pkgs.xdg-utils}/bin/xdg-open";
mouse = { enabled = true; mods = "Control"; };
post_processing = true;
regex = "(mailto:|gemini:|gopher:|https:|http:|news:|file:|git:|ssh:|ftp:)[^\\u0000-\\u001F\\u007F-\\u009F<>\"\\\\s{-}\\\\^⟨⟩`]+";
key_bindings = [
{ mode = "~Search"; mods = "Alt|Control"; key = "Space"; action = "ToggleViMode"; }
{ mode = "Vi|~Search"; mods = "Control"; key = "K"; action = "ScrollHalfPageUp"; }
{ mode = "Vi|~Search"; mods = "Control"; key = "J"; action = "ScrollHalfPageDown"; }
{ mode = "~Vi"; mods = "Control|Alt"; key = "V"; action = "Paste"; }
{ mods = "Control|Alt"; key = "C"; action = "Copy"; }
{ mode = "~Search"; mods = "Control|Alt"; key = "F"; action = "SearchForward"; }
{ mode = "~Search"; mods = "Control|Alt"; key = "B"; action = "SearchBackward"; }
{ mode = "Vi|~Search"; mods = "Control|Alt"; key = "C"; action = "ClearSelection"; }
window = {
dynamic_padding = false;
dynamic_title = true;
# Backup terminal
urxvt = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.rxvt-unicode-emoji;
scroll = {
bar.enable = false;
iso14755 = false; # Disable Ctrl+Shift default bindings
keybindings = {
"Shift-Control-C" = "eval:selection_to_clipboard";
"Shift-Control-V" = "eval:paste_clipboard";
# TODO Not sure resizing works, Nix doesn't have the package (urxvt-resize-font-git on Arch)
"Control-KP_Subtract" = "resize-font:smaller";
"Control-KP_Add" = "resize-font:bigger";
extraConfig = {
"letterSpace" = 0;
"perl-ext-common" = "resize-font,bell-command,readline,selection";
"bell-command" = "${pkgs.sox}/bin/play -n synth sine C5 sine E4 remix 1-2 fade 0.1 0.2 0.1 &> /dev/null";
xsession.windowManager.i3.config.keybindings = {
"${mod}+Return" = "exec ${config.programs.alacritty.package}/bin/alacritty msg create-window -e zsh || exec ${config.programs.alacritty.package}/bin/alacritty -e zsh";
# -e zsh is for systems where I can't configure my user's shell
"${mod}+Shift+Return" = "exec ${config.programs.urxvt.package}/bin/urxvt";
Reference in a new issue