Geoffrey Frogeye 1f61ceb395
nix: Migrate scripts
They're a bit slower to start :(.
Hopefully this is something that flakes will help with,
otherwise I'll find another way.
2023-11-26 21:04:58 +01:00

77 lines
1.7 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i python3 --pure
#! nix-shell -p python3
import sys
from math import inf
gares = sys.argv[1:]
N = len(gares)
if N < 2:
print("Ben reste chez toi alors.")
def trajet_str(a, b):
return f"{gares[a]} → {gares[b]}"
def chemin_str(stack):
return ", ".join(
[trajet_str(stack[i], stack[i + 1]) for i in range(len(stack) - 1)]
# Demande des prix des trajets
prices = dict()
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N - 1, i, -1):
p = None
while not isinstance(p, float):
p = float(
input(f"Prix du trajet {trajet_str(i, j)} ? ").replace(",", ".")
except ValueError:
print("C'est pas un prix ça !")
if i not in prices:
prices[i] = dict()
prices[i][j] = float(p)
# Calcul des prix des chemins
miniPrice = +inf
miniStack = None
maxiPrice = -inf
maxiStack = None
def register_path(stack):
price = sum([prices[stack[i]][stack[i + 1]] for i in range(len(stack) - 1)])
global miniPrice, maxiPrice, miniStack, maxiStack
if price < miniPrice:
miniPrice = price
miniStack = stack.copy()
if price > maxiPrice:
maxiPrice = price
maxiStack = stack.copy()
print(f"{chemin_str(stack)} = {price:.2f} €")
stack = [0]
while stack[0] == 0:
if stack[-1] >= N - 1:
stack[-1] += 1
stack.append(stack[-1] + 1)
print(f"Prix minimum: {chemin_str(miniStack)} = {miniPrice:.2f} €")
print(f"Prix maximum: {chemin_str(maxiStack)} = {maxiPrice:.2f} €")