2019-08-04 19:05:57 +02:00

111 lines
3.1 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

""" ALE """
nmap <F3> :ALEFix<CR>
let g:ale_sign_error = '×'
let g:ale_sign_warning = '!'
let g:ale_completion_enabled = 1
let g:ale_fixers = ['autopep8', 'shfmt', 'uncrustify', 'remove_trailing_lines', 'trim_whitespace', 'phpcbf']
let g:ale_php_phpcs_standard = '/srv/http/machines/ruleset.xml'
" For PHP, install
""" UNDOTREE """
nmap <F7> :UndotreeToggle<CR>
""" TAGBAR """
nmap <F8> :TagbarToggle<CR>
set noshowmode
set laststatus=2
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
let g:airline_section_a = airline#section#create(['mode'])
let g:airline_section_b = airline#section#create(['branch', 'hunks'])
" let g:airline_section_z = airline#section#create(['%B', '@', '%l', ':', '%c'])
let g:airline_theme = 'base16_monokai'
let airline#extensions#languageclient#error_symbol = '✖ '
let airline#extensions#languageclient#warning_symbol = '⚠ '
""" FZF """
let g:fzf_layout = { 'down': '~40%' }
let g:fzf_colors =
\ { 'fg': ['fg', 'Normal'],
\ 'bg': ['bg', 'Normal'],
\ 'hl': ['fg', 'Comment'],
\ 'fg+': ['fg', 'CursorLine', 'CursorColumn', 'Normal'],
\ 'bg+': ['bg', 'CursorLine', 'CursorColumn'],
\ 'hl+': ['fg', 'Statement'],
\ 'info': ['fg', 'PreProc'],
\ 'border': ['fg', 'Ignore'],
\ 'prompt': ['fg', 'Conditional'],
\ 'pointer': ['fg', 'Exception'],
\ 'marker': ['fg', 'Keyword'],
\ 'spinner': ['fg', 'Label'],
\ 'header': ['fg', 'Comment'] }
let g:fzf_command_prefix = 'Fzf'
nmap gF :FzfFiles<CR>
nmap gf :FzfGFiles<CR>
nmap gb :FzfBuffers<CR>
nmap gL :FzfLines<CR>
nmap gl :FzfBLines<CR>
nmap gT :FzfTags<CR>
nmap gt :FzfBTags<CR>
nmap gm :FzfMarks<CR>
nmap gw :FzfWindows<CR>
nmap gh :FzfHistory<CR>
nmap gH :FzfHistory:<CR>
nmap gS :FzfHistory/<CR>
nmap gs :FzfSnippets<CR>
" TODO `gd` → go to tag matching selected word, or show a list with that
" of tags pre-filtered with that word
""" SUPERTAB """
" let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "<c-n>" " Go down when completing
" let g:SuperTabContextDefaultCompletionType = "<c-n>"
""" LanguageTool """
let g:languagetool_jar = "/usr/share/java/languagetool/languagetool-commandline.jar"
""" vim-pandoc """
let g:pandoc#modules#disabled = ["folding"]
let g:pandoc#spell#enabled = 0
let g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#use = 0
""" LanguageClient-neovim """
let g:LanguageClient_serverCommands = {
\ 'python': ['pyls'],
\ 'sh': ['bash-language-server', 'start'],
\ }
function LC_maps()
if has_key(g:LanguageClient_serverCommands, &filetype)
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> K :call LanguageClient#textDocument_hover()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> gd :call LanguageClient#textDocument_definition()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> gd :call LanguageClient#textDocument_references()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <F2> :call LanguageClient#textDocument_rename()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <F3> :call LanguageClient#textDocument_formatting()<CR>
set completefunc=LanguageClient#complete
set omnifunc=LanguageClient#complete
autocmd FileType * call LC_maps()
""" deoplete """
let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1