This commit is contained in:
Geoffrey Frogeye 2017-03-29 11:43:05 +02:00
parent 45f6092d0d
commit 04bb2bec3a
12 changed files with 313 additions and 0 deletions

TP8/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

TP8/Makefile Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
all: main pdfs dots
main: main.c libtrees.a
gcc $^ -o $@
part2: part2.c libtrees.a
gcc $^ -o $@
%.o: %.c
gcc -c $^ -o $@
lib%.a: %.o
ar rcs $@ $^
pdfs: $(patsubst %.txt,%.pdf,$(shell ls samples/*.txt))
dots: $(patsubst %.txt,,$(shell ls samples/*.txt))
samples/%.pdf: samples/
dot -Tpdf $< -o $@
samples/ samples/%.txt part2
./part2 $<
.PHONY: clean
rm -r lib*.a *.o samples/*.dot samples/*.pdf

TP8/main.c Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
/*Source Code From Laure Gonnord*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "trees.h"
int main(){
Tree mt1,mt2,mt3;
mt1 = mkEmptyTree();
mt2 = mkEmptyTree();
if (isEmpty(mt1)) printf("mt1 empty\n");
mt3 = cons(42,mt1,mt2);
printf("\n -- \n");
FILE* fp = fopen("samples/balanced.txt","r");
/* FILE* fp = fopen("samples/unspecified.txt","r"); */
/* FILE* fp = fopen("samples/degenerated.txt","r"); */
Tree abr1= mkEmptyTree();
load_tree(fp, &abr1);
//Only values
printf("\n -- \n");
printf("\n -- \n");
return 0;

TP8/part2.c Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
/*Source Code From Bernard Carré and Laure Gonnord */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "trees.h"
#define MAX_STRING 255
// Main -- Do not modify !
// iterate the process: load, print (Part 1) and then generate_dot (Part 2) on the n files_names
void handle(int n, char *file_names[]);
// main - usage: main <file_name_1> <file_name_2> <file_name_3>...
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: main <file_names (.txt files)>\n");
} else {
handle(argc-1, &argv[1]); // handle the files
return 0;
// utility: build a new file name dest from src whose extension is replaced by the parameter ext
// for example : file.txt ->
void build_name(char *src, char *dest, char *ext);
// iterate the process: load, print (Part 1) and then generate_dot (Part 2) on the n files_names
void handle(int n, char *file_names[]) {
Tree t;
FILE *fp;
int i;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
fp=fopen(file_names[i], "r");
if (fp==NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "no such file, or unreachable: %s\n", file_names[i]);
} else {
// Part 1
load_tree(fp, &t);
printf("---------------\n%s:\n", file_names[i]);
print_lvr(t); // on std output
//Part 2
char dot_file_name[MAX_STRING], pdf_file_name[MAX_STRING], command[MAX_STRING];
// new name for he dot file = file_name in which ".txt" is replaced by ".dot"
build_name(file_names[i], dot_file_name, ".dot");
fp=fopen(dot_file_name, "w");
if (fp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "unreachable: %s\n", dot_file_name);
} else {
generate_dot(t,fp); // Call to the printing function
printf("dot file %s has been generated\n",dot_file_name);
// new name for the pdf file = file_name in which ".txt" is replaced by ".pdf"
build_name(file_names[i], pdf_file_name, ".pdf");
// transform to .pdf with the dot system command
sprintf(command, "dot -Tpdf %s -o %s", dot_file_name, pdf_file_name);
printf("pdf file %s has been generated\n", pdf_file_name);
// utility: build a new file name dest from src whose extension is replaced by the parameter ext
// for example : file.txt ->
void build_name(char *src, char *dest, char *ext) {
strcpy(dest, src);
strcpy(&dest[strlen(src)-4], ext);

TP8/samples/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

TP8/samples/balanced.txt Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
8 4 2 1 3 6 5 7 12 10 9 11 14 13 15

TP8/samples/degenerated.txt Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

TP8/samples/empty.txt Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

TP8/samples/leaf.txt Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

TP8/samples/unspecified.txt Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
9 4 2 11 3 6 5 15 12 10 8 1 14 13 7

TP8/trees.c Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
/*Source Code From Laure Gonnord and Bernard Carré*/
#include "trees.h"
// construction of a tree
Tree cons(int val, Tree left, Tree right) {
PtNode new = (PtNode)malloc(sizeof(Node));
return new;
// create an empty tree
Tree mkEmptyTree(){
return NULL;
// t is empty?
bool isEmpty (Tree t) {
return t==NULL;
// t is a leaf?
bool isLeaf (Tree t) {
return (!isEmpty(t) && isEmpty(t->left) && isEmpty(t->right));
// add x in a bst wtr its value.
void add(Tree *p_t, int x) {
if (*p_t == NULL) {
*p_t = cons(x, NULL, NULL);
} else if (x <= (*p_t)->val) {
add(&(*p_t)->left, x);
} else {
add(&(*p_t)->right, x);
// build a tree "add"ing values of the file fp
void load_tree(FILE *fp, Tree *p_t) {
int val;
while (!feof(fp)) {
fscanf(fp, "%d ", &val);
add(p_t, val);
// print values of t in ascendant order (left-value-right)
void print_lvr (Tree t) {
if (t != NULL) {
printf("%d ", t->val);
//Section 1.5
void print_rec_edges(Tree t){
if (t != NULL) {
if (t->left != NULL) {
printf("%d %d\n", t->val, t->left->val);
if (t->right != NULL) {
printf("%d %d\n", t->val, t->right->val);
// pre: !isEmpty(t) & !isLeaf(t)
// recursively prints arcs of the tree <value,left,right> into the file fp:
// "value -> left;" if exist
// "value -> right;" if exist
// to do...
void recursive_dot(Tree t, FILE *fp) {
if (t != NULL) {
if (t->left != NULL) {
fprintf(fp, " %d -> %d;\n", t->val, t->left->val);
recursive_dot(t->left, fp);
if (t->right != NULL) {
fprintf(fp, " %d -> %d;\n", t->val, t->right->val);
recursive_dot(t->right, fp);
// generate a .dot file for the tree
// limits (no arcs) :
// isEmpty(t) => "empty" digraph
// isLeaf(t) => only one node
// general case :
// calls recursive_dot which prints arcs
void generate_dot (Tree t, FILE *fp) {
fprintf (fp, "digraph G {\n");
if (!isEmpty(t)) {
if (isLeaf(t)) {
fprintf(fp, "\t%d", t->val);
} else {
fprintf (fp, "}\n");

TP8/trees.h Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* trees.h
* From a code of Bernard Carre
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct node {
int val;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
}Node, *PtNode, *Tree;
/*Construct a new tree from a value for the root node, a given left tree and a given right tree*/
Tree cons(int , Tree , Tree );
// make an empty tree
Tree mkEmptyTree();
/*Is the given tree empty ?*/
bool isEmpty (Tree);
/*Is the given tree a leaf ?*/
bool isLeaf (Tree);
/*Add a given integer in a binary search tree*/
// do not verify the presence of x.
void add(Tree *, int);
/*Print the values of the tree in ascendant order*/
void print_lvr (Tree);
/* build a tree adding values of the file */
void load_tree(FILE *, Tree *);
void print_rec_edges(Tree t);
/*PART 2*/
void generate_dot (Tree , FILE *);