frobar-ng: Alerting sections
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import datetime
import enum
import ipaddress
import logging
import os
import signal
import socket
import typing
@ -29,6 +30,8 @@ P = typing.TypeVar("P", bound="ComposableText")
C = typing.TypeVar("C", bound="ComposableText")
Sortable = str | int
# Display utilities
def humanSize(numi: int) -> str:
@ -38,11 +41,20 @@ def humanSize(numi: int) -> str:
for unit in ("B ", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB"):
if abs(num) < 1000:
if num >= 10:
return "{:3d}{}".format(int(num), unit)
return f"{int(num):3d}{unit}"
return "{:.1f}{}".format(num, unit)
return f"{num:.1f}{unit}"
num /= 1024
return "{:d}YiB".format(numi)
return f"{numi:d}YiB"
def ramp(p: float, ramp: str = " ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█") -> str:
if p > 1:
return ramp[-1]
elif p < 0:
return ramp[0]
return ramp[round(p * (len(ramp) - 1))]
class ComposableText(typing.Generic[P, C]):
@ -544,6 +556,7 @@ class I3WindowTitleProvider(SingleSectionProvider):
class I3WorkspacesProvider(Provider):
COLOR_URGENT = rich.color.Color.parse("red")
COLOR_FOCUSED = rich.color.Color.parse("yellow")
# TODO Should be orange (not a terminal color)
COLOR_VISIBLE = rich.color.Color.parse("blue")
COLOR_DEFAULT = rich.color.Color.parse("bright_black")
@ -624,6 +637,149 @@ class I3WorkspacesProvider(Provider):
await i3.main()
class AlertingProvider(Provider):
COLOR_NORMAL = rich.color.Color.parse("green")
COLOR_WARNING = rich.color.Color.parse("yellow")
COLOR_DANGER = rich.color.Color.parse("red")
warningThreshold: float
dangerThreshold: float
def updateLevel(self, level: float) -> None:
if level > self.dangerThreshold:
color = self.COLOR_DANGER
elif level > self.warningThreshold:
color = self.COLOR_WARNING
color = self.COLOR_NORMAL
for module in self.modules:
for section in module.getSections():
section.color = color
class CpuProvider(AlertingProvider, PeriodicStatefulProvider):
async def init(self) -> None:
self.section.numberStates = 3
self.warningThreshold = 75
self.dangerThreshold = 95
async def loop(self) -> None:
percent = psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=False)
text = ""
if self.section.state >= 2:
percents = psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True)
text += " " + "".join([ramp(p / 100) for p in percents])
elif self.section.state >= 1:
text += " " + ramp(percent / 100)
class LoadProvider(AlertingProvider, PeriodicStatefulProvider):
async def init(self) -> None:
self.section.numberStates = 3
self.warningThreshold = 5
self.dangerThreshold = 10
async def loop(self) -> None:
load = os.getloadavg()
text = ""
loads = 3 if self.section.state >= 2 else self.section.state
for load_index in range(loads):
text += f" {load[load_index]:.2f}"
class RamProvider(AlertingProvider, PeriodicStatefulProvider):
async def init(self) -> None:
self.section.numberStates = 4
self.warningThreshold = 75
self.dangerThreshold = 95
async def loop(self) -> None:
mem = psutil.virtual_memory()
text = ""
if self.section.state >= 1:
text += " " + ramp(mem.percent / 100)
if self.section.state >= 2:
text += humanSize( - mem.available)
if self.section.state >= 3:
text += "/" + humanSize(
class TemperatureProvider(AlertingProvider, PeriodicStatefulProvider):
RAMP = ""
MAIN_TEMPS = ["coretemp", "amdgpu", "cpu_thermal"]
# For Intel, AMD and ARM respectively.
main: str
async def init(self) -> None:
self.section.numberStates = 2
self.warningThreshold = 75
self.dangerThreshold = 95
allTemp = psutil.sensors_temperatures()
for main in self.MAIN_TEMPS:
if main in allTemp:
self.main = main
raise IndexError("Could not find suitable temperature sensor")
temp = allTemp[self.main][0]
self.warningThresold = temp.high or 90.0
self.dangerThresold = temp.critical or 100.0
async def loop(self) -> None:
allTemp = psutil.sensors_temperatures()
temp = allTemp[self.main][0]
text = ramp(temp.current / self.warningThreshold, self.RAMP)
if self.section.state >= 1:
text += f" {temp.current:.0f}°C"
class BatteryProvider(AlertingProvider, PeriodicStatefulProvider):
# TODO Support ACPID for events
RAMP = ""
async def init(self) -> None:
self.section.numberStates = 3
# TODO 1 refresh rate is too quick
self.warningThreshold = 75
self.dangerThreshold = 95
async def loop(self) -> None:
bat = psutil.sensors_battery()
if not bat:
self.updateLevel(100 - bat.percent)
text = "" if bat.power_plugged else ""
text += ramp(bat.percent / 100, self.RAMP)
if self.section.state >= 1:
text += f" {bat.percent:.0f}%"
if self.section.state >= 2:
h = int(bat.secsleft / 3600)
m = int((bat.secsleft - h * 3600) / 60)
text += f" ({h:d}:{m:02d})"
class NetworkProviderSection(StatefulSection):
def __init__(
@ -782,6 +938,8 @@ async def main() -> None:
# TODO Configurable
# TODO Not super happy with the color management,
# while using an existing library is great, it's limited to ANSI colors
def base16_color(color: int) -> tuple[int, int, int]:
hexa = FROGARIZED[color]
@ -829,9 +987,11 @@ async def main() -> None:
StaticProvider("C L M T B", color=color("green")), alignment=Alignment.RIGHT
bar.addProvider(CpuProvider(), alignment=Alignment.RIGHT)
bar.addProvider(LoadProvider(), alignment=Alignment.RIGHT)
bar.addProvider(RamProvider(), alignment=Alignment.RIGHT)
bar.addProvider(TemperatureProvider(), alignment=Alignment.RIGHT)
bar.addProvider(BatteryProvider(), alignment=Alignment.RIGHT)
StaticProvider("pulse", color=color("magenta")),
screenNum=1 if dualScreen else None,
Reference in a new issue