nix: Add language server missing from Ansible

This commit is contained in:
Geoffrey Frogeye 2023-11-01 09:46:49 +01:00
parent 068a8c9965
commit b42cc85dec
Signed by: geoffrey
GPG key ID: C72403E7F82E6AD8

View file

@ -129,34 +129,44 @@ in
# FIXME ansiblels
bashls.enable = true; # Bash
jsonls.enable = true; # JSON
lua-ls.enable = true; # Lua (for Neovim debugging)
# FIXME perlls
pylsp = { # Python
pylsp = {
# Python
enable = true;
settings.plugins = {
black.enabled = true;
flake8.enabled = true; # FIXME Not getting the warnings I would expect
flake8.enabled = true;
isort.enabled = true;
mccabe.enabled = true;
pycodestyle.enabled = true;
pyflakes.enabled = true;
pylint.enabled = true;
pylsp_mypy.enabled = true;
# FIXME Somehow no warning is shown
# TODO Could add some, could also remove some
# FIXME phpactor. Only from 23.11
# phpactor.enable = true; # PHP
rnix-lsp.enable = true; # Nix
# FIXME sqlls
yamlls.enable = true; # Nix
yamlls.enable = true; # YAML
# TODO Check out none-ls
# FIXME vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'omnifunc', 'v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc') as onAttach... is it needed?
# FIXME flags = { debounce_text_changes = 150 } is the default value ok? Maybe it was actually ignored
nvim-lightbulb = { # Shows a lightbulb whenever a codeAction is available under the cursor
nvim-lightbulb = {
# Shows a lightbulb whenever a codeAction is available under the cursor
enable = true;
autocmd.enabled = true;
lspkind.enable = true; # Add icons to LSP completions
# Treesitter
treesitter = { # Allows for better syntax highlighting
treesitter = {
# Allows for better syntax highlighting
enable = true;
incrementalSelection = {
enable = true;