nix: Add dunst

This commit is contained in:
Geoffrey Frogeye 2023-11-05 15:52:09 +01:00
parent 5f1915c4d0
commit c696da568d
Signed by: geoffrey
GPG key ID: C72403E7F82E6AD8
4 changed files with 49 additions and 78 deletions

View file

@ -60,15 +60,6 @@
- color
- i3
- name: Configure Dunst
src: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.config/dunst/dunstrc.j2"
dest: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.config/dunst/dunstrc"
mode: u=rw,g=r,o=r
- color
when: display_server == 'x11'
- name: Download base16 theme for fzf
content: "{{ base16_schemes['schemes'][base16_scheme]['fzf']['bash']['base16-' + base16_scheme + '.config'] }}"

View file

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View file

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
alignment = left
always_run_script = true
browser = /usr/bin/qutebrowser
class = Dunst
dmenu = /usr/bin/dmenu -p dunst:
ellipsize = middle
follow = none
font = DejaVu Sans 10
force_xinerama = false
format = "<b>%s %p</b>\n%b"
frame_color = "#A6E22E"
frame_width = 3
geometry = "500x5-30+20"
hide_duplicate_count = false
history_length = 20
horizontal_padding = 8
icon_path = /usr/share/icons/gnome/256x256/actions/:/usr/share/icons/gnome/256x256/status/:/usr/share/icons/gnome/256x256/devices/
icon_position = left
idle_threshold = 120
ignore_newline = no
indicate_hidden = yes
line_height = 0
markup = full
max_icon_size = 48
monitor = 0
notification_height = 0
padding = 8
separator_color = frame
separator_height = 2
show_age_threshold = 60
show_indicators = yes
shrink = no
sort = yes
stack_duplicates = true
startup_notification = false
sticky_history = yes
title = Dunst
transparency = 0
verbosity = mesg
word_wrap = yes
per_monitor_dpi = false
close_all = ctrl+mod4+n
close = mod4+n
context = mod1+mod4+n
history = shift+mod4+n
background = "#272822"
foreground = "#F8F8F2"
frame_color = "#A6E22E"
timeout = 10
background = "#272822"
foreground = "#F8F8F2"
frame_color = "#F4BF75"
timeout = 10
background = "#272822"
foreground = "#F8F8F2"
frame_color = "#F92672"
timeout = 0
{{ base16_schemes['schemes'][base16_scheme]['dunst']['themes']['base16-' + base16_scheme + '.dunstrc'] }}
# TODO Not used. Not sure how it's supposed to be used :D

View file

@ -377,10 +377,57 @@
autorandr.enable = true;
xdg.userDirs.enable = true; # TODO Which ones do we want?
xdg = {
mimeApps = {
enable = true;
associations.added = {
"text/html" = "org.qutebrowser.qutebrowser.desktop";
"x-scheme-handler/http" = "org.qutebrowser.qutebrowser.desktop";
"x-scheme-handler/https" = "org.qutebrowser.qutebrowser.desktop";
"x-scheme-handler/about" = "org.qutebrowser.qutebrowser.desktop";
"x-scheme-handler/unknown" = "org.qutebrowser.qutebrowser.desktop";
userDirs.enable = true; # TODO Which ones do we want?
services = {
unclutter.enable = true;
dunst.enable = true;
dunst =
enable = true;
settings =
# TODO Change dmenu for rofi, so we can use context
with config.lib.stylix.colors.withHashtag; {
global = {
separator_color = lib.mkForce base05;
idle_threshold = 120;
markup = "full";
max_icon_size = 48;
# TODO Those shortcuts don't seem to work, maybe try:
# > define shortcuts inside your window manager and bind them to dunstctl(1) commands
close_all = "ctrl+mod4+n";
close = "mod4+n";
context = "mod1+mod4+n";
history = "shift+mod4+n";
urgency_low = {
background = lib.mkForce base01;
foreground = lib.mkForce base03;
frame_color = lib.mkForce base05;
urgency_normal = {
background = lib.mkForce base02;
foreground = lib.mkForce base05;
frame_color = lib.mkForce base05;
urgency_critical = {
background = lib.mkForce base08;
foreground = lib.mkForce base06;
frame_color = lib.mkForce base05;
mpd.enable = true;
autorandr.enable = true;